Hostile Negotiations

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Before we start, I would like to apologise about the title of this chapter, I was being pretty lazy.
Short chapter because I didn't know what else to write besides what I had already written. I will be able to think more when I do the next chapters during the day rather than at night.
Anyway, enjoy :3


Hostile Negotiations

Gun shots roared through the sky like a roll of thunder. Just one gun shot was needed to start the fight between the Red coats and the Natives, and to make Johnstone flee for his life. Connor, standing on top of a building opposite from the house, scaled down and bolt through the chaos that continued on. Bloodied bodies lay on the floor lifeless, surrounded by red. Soldiers noticed that Connor was heading towards the fleeing man, so they ran after him but could not match his impossible speed.

Dodging the trees in the vast forest, Connor was hidden from the red coats and from Johnstone's line of sight. Johnstone thought he was safe as he neared the shore. But he felt a heavy weight push him hard to the Earthy ground when Connor launched himself off the cliff above and pierced his blade into Johnstone's back. Through his struggled last breaths, he managed to speak as Connor circled his dying body.

"Oh no. What have you done?"

"Ensured an end to your schemes. You sought to claim these lands for the Templars..." Connor sharply answered, pointing around to the green shadowed forest that surrounded them both.

"Aye. That we might protect them! Do you think that good King George lies awake at night hoping no harm comes to his native subjects? Or that the people of the city care one whit about them? Oh, sure, the colonists are happy to trade when they need food or shelter or a bit of extra padding for their armies. But when the walls of the city constrict - when there's crops that need soil - when there's..." Johnstone stopped to catch his breath, his body quickly beginning to fail on him.

"...when there's no more enemy to fight - we'll see how kind the people are then." He watched as Connor knelt down on one knee, his eyes full of distaste.

"The colonists have no quarrel with the Iroquois,"

"Not yet. But they will. 'Tis the way of the world. In time, they'll turn. I... I could have stopped it. I could have saved you all." He frowned with his voice shaken by the feeling of failure. But Connor was having none of it.

"You speak of salvation, but you were killing them," Connor leaned forward, his voice sharp with anger towards the man lying on the ground.

"Aye. Because they would not listen! And so, it seems, neither will you..." His head fell to the ground and his last breath had ended. Connor rose from his crouch and sighed.

"May the Faceless One grant you the peace you claim to seek,"

Shouts reached Connor's eagle like ears and he saw many armed men heading his way, gaining speed as they advanced down the hill towards the shore. Immediately, he began to bolt over to the shimmering water, but before he could get into a boat, he was confronted by some guards who pointed their muskets towards him.

Out came his tomahawk, which he grasped tightly into his hands and swung for one guard which buried into his chest and he fell backwards from the blow. The other guard managed to stab Connor in his thigh before he, too, was dead by the swing of Connor's deadly tomahawk.

The shouts from behind got louder, and now, with a limp, Connor paddled into the water, pushing the boat further into the unsettled lake, climbed in and rowed to the other side of the lake. Muskets were fired towards him, missing him by inches.

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