Welcome to New York

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You'd finally returned to the Homestead after the Battle of Bunker Hill, nighttime had befallen you, and with it, your consciousness. As Ratonhnhaké:ton dismounted the horse, he carried you into the manor.

"Connor?" Achilles called out as he met you both within the doorway of his bedroom. But as he did, Ratonhnhaké:ton gave a gentle shush, "How did she do?"

"She's ready,"



Rays of sun shone through the single glazed window as you busied yourself cutting potatoes. Gently, you hummed to yourself, a sweet song you were sung to as a child by your mother before you would go to sleep. The warmth of the sun on your skin reminded you of her maternal touch, which you missed dearly.

Your stomach began to suddenly turn, and with that, you rushed over to the rubbish bucket where you spewed whatever contents were left in your stomach. Thoughts ran manically through your mind. Were you sick? You didn't feel warm to the touch, so perhaps something didn't agree with you?

Yells from downstairs in the basement brought you away from your worrying thoughts, and you sighed out as you made your way towards the stairs. However, as you did, Achilles was making his way up.

"That boy is impossible," He muttered under his breath.

Once again, you tried to make your way down the stairs, but Ratonhnhaké:ton came bounding up. Immediately you knew he was off to continue the argument, and you rolled your eyes as you followed him into the kitchen.

"Or you could just admit that you are wrong!" Ratonhnhaké:ton retaliated.

"Oh child, please. You've killed two men - one more salesman than soldier. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that to impress me," Achilles replied as he began to step out of the kitchen. You could see Ratonhnhaké:ton was beginning to get riled up by Achilles' words, and you were not in the mood.

"Is that so, old man? Or perhaps we should step outside? I will gladly demonstrate how easily I could trounce y-"

"BOYS! ENOUGH!" You interrupted them, your voice towering above theirs and echoing through the house, "Bloody hell! I am seriously not in the mood to hear you two bickering again. You've been at each others throats almost all month!"

You sighed and sat down on the nearest chair you could find, feeling a little sick. With your face as white as snow, Ratonhnhaké:ton rushed over and put his hand upon your forehead, "[Name], are you okay? You don't look so good,"

You swatted his hand away and nodded, "I'm fine, I-"

A knock on the front door drew all of your attention. With a hobble, Achilles went to answer it, and a few seconds went by when a mousy brown haired man with a navy jacket came stepping in.

"Connor, [Name], this is Benjamin Tallmadge. His father was one of us. I think he has something he wants to say," Achilles introduced Benjamin, gesturing that he takes a seat at the dining table. With a nod of thanks, Benjamin takes his seat before turning to Ratonhnhaké:ton.

"Achilles tells me you've uncovered a plot to murder the Commander in chief,"

Your eyes widened slightly, you had been kept in the dark of this information and were taken back by the secrecy. Especially now that you had been accepted into the Brotherhood, yet Ratonhnhaké:ton seemed to keep you back still from any action.

"Yes. But I have only false starts and dead ends to show for it,"

"Not anymore, my friend. Thomas Hickey's your man - and I aim to help you catch him," Benjamin stood from his chair, "Come, I'll explain on the way. You and I are going to New York,"

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