Final Goodbyes

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Ratonhnhaké:ton was once more away, for how long? You weren't sure. It was always uncertain how long each mission took, especially with the war raging on. It made spending time alone in the Homestead quite boring and made you eager to see him once more. You usually spent your time on the cliff edge, watching as the ships pass and the water as it gently swayed with the current. Or you would do light chores around the homestead, helping locals or visiting your friends.

The walk was a long one as you made your way slowly down from the manor into the settlements main core. Everyone was busy at work. The small market was at its busiest, with traders from other towns coming to talk business to the locals. With a basket in your hand, you intended on buying wool, in hopes to make a blanket for your newborn when it finally arrives.

You stopped suddenly in your tracks as a sudden jerk of pain tore through your abdomen. A trickle of water fell down your legs, pooling around your feet, and you knew instantly what was happening. Your eyes lifted desperately trying to find anyone who could possibly help, but the pain grew worse and it brought you down to your knees with a cry. Your cries immediately alerted everyone nearby, especially Myriam who was stood not too far away. Seeing your crumpled form, she dropped the deerskin she was showing to a trader and ran over.

"[Name]!" She exclaimed, kneeling down beside you. She noticed the water on the floor, and looked around, "Norris! Get over here!"

Norris, a rugged miner wearing a red hat and soot-covered clothing, came bolting over at the call of his wife. His French accent thick as he spoke, "What's wrong? Is it happening?"

"Yes, now help me get her to the manor,"

The two of them lifted you from your knees, causing you to cry out from the pain, and they guided you are carefully yet as quickly as they could.


Pain raged through your being like you were about to split in half. Sweat streamed down your face and down your being, and exhaustion was getting the better of you. Your labour had been going on for hours, and yet little progress had been made. You cried out in agony, calling out for Achilles as he took a firm hold of your hand, "Achilles, I can't do it, I can't,"

"You can, and you will!" He grasped tightly at your hand.

"I can't," You sobbed, your head falling back against the pillow.

"[Name], I need you to keep pushing," Myriam shook her head, "You need to keep pushing because otherwise, this baby isn't coming out,"

The mention of your baby caused you to try once more, and with a scream, you pushed as hard as you could, furthering the tearing pain that set off like fire. It completely took your breath away. Never have you felt such pain in your life. It felt like it was taking your life, bit by bit.

"I can see the head, come on, only a little bit more," Myriam said encouragingly, but the previous push had left you weak, and you laid almost lifeless upon the bed, your dress clinging to your being with sweat.

"[Name], I will not let you give up when you are so close. Don't you dare give up. For Connor's sake, I'm telling you to push!" Achilles said as he turned your face towards his, his voice sharp and commanding, and it was enough to encourage you to give every last bit of your energy. With one last push, and gritted your teeth and held your breath. Finally, a cry was heard, and your body instantly relaxed in utter relief and exhaustion.

"Oh my! [Name], you have a baby girl," She cried out in joy, wrapping the baby in a towel and passing it over to you. Weakly, your wrapped your arms around the baby, and the first look caused your eyes to stream with tears.

"She's so beautiful," You sobbed out, joy filling your being, "So so beautiful,"

"Congratulations, my dear," Achilles said, stroking your hair affectionately. You spent a few moments with the baby before Myriam took her to be cleaned. Achilles followed, helping to find a clean blanket for the baby to be wrapped in with. However, as the two entered back into the room, they found you lying lifelessly on the bed. No longer breathing, no longer there in spirit. They froze, their heart sinking and their bodies falling in defeat.

You were no longer there.


A week later Ratonhnhaké:ton arrived back, his feet pounding enthusiastically up the stone steps up to the door of the manor. Entering the manor, the atmosphere was that of cold and misery, and Ratonhnhaké:ton immediately felt it. Looking around, Ratonhnhaké:ton finally found Achilles sat in the chair in his room.

"Old man? What is it? Where's [Name]?" He asked. Achilles didn't speak, didn't respond. His head fell slightly at the mention of your name, and Ratonhnhaké:ton jaw clenched, "Where is she, Achilles?"

"Follow me," Was all he said as he rose to his feet and guided Ratonhnhaké:ton out through the back door towards the small graves overlooking the sea. Stepping over to the graves, a new headstone was found, reading your name and date. As Ratonhnhaké:ton read it, he fell to his knees silently.

"She passed giving birth to your baby girl," Achilles explained, his voice quiet and sorrowful, clearly he had been mourning for a while, and still.

"Baby girl..." Ratonhnhaké:ton gasped out tearfully.

"Myriam has been taking care of her for when you returned,"

Ratonhnhaké:ton remained silent, his eyes reading your name over and over again on the headstone. It was all too surreal. You were so strong physically and in willpower, how could you have been taken down by a small being? His mind raced. Seeing he was taking it all in, Achilles made his way back inside to leave Ratonhnhaké:ton alone.

"[Name]..." He whispered out, tears streaming silently down his face. His face fell, his forehead resting against the stone, "I'm sorry I wasn't there... I'm so sorry,"

Silence befell the cliffside, the only noise being that of the sea crashing up on the cliffs. It was a peaceful place. He knelt there for what seemed like forever, his heart torn to pieces like never before. He was conflicted. He knew he needed to see his daughter, but the thought of seeing his daughter would bring pain, and he knew it. Taking a deep breath, he kissed the cold stone, "Goodbye [Name]... I will always love you,"

Rising to his feet, he walked down from the manor and through the settlement. The news had spread through the locals, their eyes watching as he aimlessly walked passed. As he arrived to Myriam's, he gently knocked on the door. Norris answered, and his face fell as he saw Ratonhnhaké:ton at the door.

"Connor..." He stuttered, then quickly stepped aside, "Come in,"

Hesitantly, he made his way inside, and his eyes instantly fell upon the small bundle within Myriam's arms who sat in a chair next to the fire. Myriam's eyes lifted, and upon seeing Ratonhnhaké:ton, she rose to her feet. Without word, she stepped over to him and passed the bundle over to him. Unsure, he looked down at it for a moment, then finally took it from Myriam's hold. His eyes searched over the baby's face.

"She's so beautiful..." He said quietly, "She looks just like..... like..."

"She does," Myriam gave a saddened smile, "We named her after her,"

[Name]'s eyes opened and looked up at Ratonhnhaké:ton, her eyes brown like his. With a small smile from [Name], it all became too much for him. Quickly, he passed over [Name] back to Myriam.

"I'm sorry. I can't-"

And with that, he was gone.


Well, that's it guys. I hope it didn't break your hearts too much. And I hope you all enjoyed this story. It ended on a tragedy, but then most of the assassins stories do anyway. Connor's certainly did...

Again, I hope you enjoyed this story and bye for now.

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