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This is quite a short chapter but stuff it im quite proud of myself for this. It went better than I had expected. I will be posting the next chapter hopefully in a few weeks time.

Anyway, morning after the ALMOST kiss ('m sorry for making Achilles a cock block, but it was very well needed) and yeah see what Achilles has to say about what he witnessed ;)

Enjoy x



Your eyes fluttered open as the beams of the sun shone bright through the windows. With a gentle grunt, you stretched and noticed that the part of the bed beside you was vacant, cold as no body was there to keep it warm. A sigh escaped your lips knowing that Ratonhnhaké:ton was not there and you felt a certain chill run down your spine as though you felt empty and cold from his absence. Last night lingered in your mind, which caused you to lack sleep. Bags under your eyes were evident as were the dark circles. You do not know what got into you, as the kiss was not exactly wanted, but you were desperate. Desperate for the intimacy, for the warmth that it would bring. And your constant worry for him through those three days had made what was about to happen needed. But the more you thought about it, the more it brought forth the warmth in your heart. 

Eventually you rose from the bed and slipped on your clothes. A white blouse, black trousers with some distressed leather boots hung on your figure almost perfectly. Before you could make your way down the stairs to the ground level of the manor, you heard a heated discussion between Ratonhnhaké:ton and Achilles. You froze midway down the steps and listened carefully.

"Connor, if you proceed to go about building a relationship with [name], then you will risk her life as well as your own," the old man's voice raised slightly as he confronted against your actions last night.

"Like I said before, I'm not trying to build a relationship with her. It was just the heat of the moment." Ratonhnhaké:ton protested, his voice hardened through each word. 

"Didn't seem like that to me," There was a sudden hesitation for Ratonhnhaké:ton to reply, and when he did, his voice seemed uncomfortable as though he did not want to be there.

"Do you think she will joi-"

"Did you really think that a woman her age who has had a peaceful life would want to join our cause which would only lead to pain?" Achilles' voice turned quiet, his anger still evident in his voice even though they changed the subject. Ratonhnhaké:ton was silent after that. The conversation knocked you back slightly, you didn't expect to hear your decision put into words. It sounded so wrong. You hadn't told any of the men yet, but you were not surprised that they knew already that you were going to decline the proposition. 

 You took that as an opportunity to make your way down the remaining steps, each step you took received an unsatisfactory groan from the stairs. Hesitantly, you entered the kitchen where the two men were. Achilles was sat at the table eating bread and jam while Ratonhnhaké:ton was stood by the window, his back coldly turned away from the old man. Your appearance had made their eyes turn to look at you, and you stood awkwardly in the doorway. Their eyes remained locked onto your form as you took a light inhale before speaking.

"I'm sorry to tell you that I have to decline your offer. But I can guess that you knew I would do so anyway..." Your voice trailed off as you thought about the hole that remained in your heart. You couldn't understand why it was there and why you felt that joining to brotherhood would fulfill it. But you knew you were doing what you knew was right. Achilles carefully stood up, his hands rested on the table to keep himself steady. 

"Don't be sorry, my child. We should not have expected such a big thing from you even though you have only just arrived at the Homestead,"

"I hope you don't mind but I think I'll be heading back home as soon as I am ready," Immediately you caught Ratonhnhaké:ton's attention, and his head swivelled around to fix his eyes onto yours. His eyes were unreadable as though he was blocking out his emotions from you. A flush of guilt washed over you, but you had to go back sooner or later.


You strapped your pack of clothing and some food and water onto the saddle of the steed that Ratonhnhaké:ton had prepared for you. It took you a while to get your things together and say goodbye to Achilles, but by mid day you were ready to go. You took a step back from tightening the staps of the saddle and looked around at the Homestead ahead of you. You loved the few days you had spent here, and you were sure you would visit again soon. You loved the sense of freedom that you felt whenever you roamed along the path into the settlement, and you loved the true beauty of nature this part of the land possessed. 

Eyes were felt on your form as you took in the scenery, which made your head turn to look over your shoulder. Ratonhnhaké:ton was slowly walking over to you, dressed in his white attire that you had seen him in many times. You turned your body as he stopped in front of you, his eyes scanned over your face. With your eyes, you fixed onto his ebony eyes and caught his full attention when you finally spoke.

"Thank you for bringing me here, It's been refreshing to see such a beautiful settlement," 

"You're welcome, are you sure you do not want me to escort you home?" He offered, his brows furrowed in question and concern for your safety. You were flattered but you knew you would be perfectly fine. So with a smile, you shook your head and pulled him into an embrace, your arms locking around his neck. You could feel his arms immediately wrap around your waist, pulling you closer slightly. A moment had passed and you were the one to pull away. Swiftly, you climbed onto the horse and gave the native one last glance before kicking the horses side, and clicking your tongue, causing it to trot away from where he stood. 

Seeing the Homestead pass before your eyes gave you a flutter of regret. Though you knew you were coming back soon, you just didn't want to leave yet. Soon you was in the wilderness of the forest, a peaceful serenity washed over you as you felt carefree along with the bobbing of the horses trot. Boston was a few hours away, hopefully it would be this tranquil throughout the journey, you thought.


Ratonhnhaké:ton watched as you and the horse descended away from his sight and a sigh escaped his lungs. With big strides he made his way back towards the manor and once inside, he sat at the desk with the record of the Homestead incomes. He tried to concentrate on doing some work but even though he pushed out every thought, he still couldn't push out the feeling that if you went home, then something bad was going to happen. 

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