陆虎 ~ Prosperity (盛世)

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Song from Court Lady

Lu Hu: Jìng tīng dàyǔ luòxià xǐ qù zuórì fánhuá
Yáowàng hóng qiáng lǜ wǎ fúyún piāo a xiào kàn cháng'ān rú huà
Suìyuè báo rú xuěhuā yīngxióng yīshì rú xiá
Huīshǒu qiān jūn wàn mǎ bùguò tánzhǐ a qín shēng yǐn jǐn sháohuá
静听大雨落下 洗去昨日繁华
遥望红墙绿瓦 浮云飘啊 笑看长安如画
岁月薄如雪花 英雄一世如霞
挥手千军万马 不过弹指啊 琴声饮尽韶华
Listen to the heavy rain and wash away the prosperity of yesterday
Looking at the red wall and green tiles in the distance
The years are thin as snowflakes, and the hero's life is like a cloud
Waving thousands of troops and horses, but squeezing your fingers

A ~ Wěnguò dāoguāngjiànyǐng mìngyùn zònghéng cháng'ān yòu yuè míng
A ~ Fǔ yī qū cháng gē rú mèng lìng dài qiānqiū wànshì yǔ jūn tīng
~ 吻过刀光剑影 命运纵横 长安又月明
~ 抚一曲长歌如梦令 待千秋万世与君听
Ah ~ kissed the sword light sword shadow
Destiny is in all directions, Chang'an and Yue Ming
Ah ~ Stroke a long song like a dream
Waiting for thousands of years to listen to you

Jǔ bēi dú zuì yuè xià qīngfēng jì zǒu qiānguà
Chí jiāng bànshēng róngmǎ fēngyún chìzhà
Nán pòshuǐ yuè jìng huā shuāng luò cāngcāng jiānjiā suìyuè zhuó dàn fēnghuá
Zhuǎnyǎn yòuguò chūn xià qīngchūn yì shì a yī bié mǎn tíng táohuā
举杯独醉月下 清风寄走牵挂
驰疆半生戎马 风云叱咤
难破水月镜花 霜落苍苍蒹葭 岁月浊淡风华
转眼又过春夏 青春易逝啊 一别满庭桃花
Toasting alone drunk under the moon, the breeze is sent away
A half-life military horse in frontiers
Difficult to break the water and moon mirror flower
Spring and summer are over again in a blink of an eye, youth is perishable

A ~ Yuàn cǐ yī mèng bù xǐng shānhé jǐnxiù bùjí nǐ méiyǔ
A ~ Pǔ yīduàn fánhuá shèngshì qíng yǔ nǐ gòng fù yīshì yuēdìng
~ 愿此一梦不醒 山河锦绣 不及你眉宇
~ 谱一段繁华盛世情 与你共赴一世约定
Ah ~ May this dream stay awake
The mountains and rivers aren't as beautiful as your eyebrows
Ah ~ Compose a prosperous and prosperous world
A promise to be with you for the rest of your life

A ~ Yuàn cǐ yī mèng bù xǐng shānhé jǐnxiù bùjí nǐ méiyǔ
A ~ Pǔ yīduàn fánhuá shèngshì qíng yǔ nǐ gòng fù yīshì yuēdìng
Jiùsuàn zhǐshì yī chǎng mèngjìng cǐshēng bù fù yǔ nǐ xiāngyù
~ 愿此一梦不醒 山河锦绣 不及你眉宇
~ 谱一段繁华盛世情 与你共赴一世约定
就算只是一场梦境 此生不负与你相遇
Ah ~ May this dream stay awake
The mountains and rivers aren't as beautiful as your eyebrows
Ah ~ Compose a prosperous and prosperous world
A promise to be with you for the rest of your life
Even if it's just a dream, meet you in this life

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