Chapter 12: His Past (2)

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Taking out our savings and money from the bank account, and taking his katana in hand, I fled Japan, somehow concealing my identity and making it past the checks.

In America, there was not a soul I could go to. No one I knew, no one who spoke my language. I tried to converse using gestures, but that wasn't enough to help anyone understand. I'd almost given up.

"Need help?" I heard my language in this unfamiliar country. This was a woman, with long brown hair, red eyes, an eyepatch, and who smelled of the sea.

"Who are you?" I asked as politely as I could. The woman smiled and gave a soft chuckle as she sat down beside me.

"Beidou. I presume you are the infamous missing criminal of Japan, Kaedehara Kazuha." she held a hand out to him. He froze in place as soon as she heard him call his name. Part of the reason he'd dashed out of the country was this. He was now a wanted criminal with a bounty on his head.

"Don't worry, kid. I won't report you to the Japanese government. You see, the American government is secretly working against the tyrant who has taken over Japan. The previous Japanese president, Kokomi, is currently working with the American government to end the Shogunate in Japan, and they call themselves the Resistance. In fact, I'm a member too." she pointed to a guy with pointed animal ears and brown hair who was now making his way towards them,"And that over there is Kokomi's future secretary, who is currently general of the resistance, General Gorou."

"Don't go revealing my title in public." Gorou hissed. Beidou laughed at him.

"Ah, so this is Kazuha." a pink haired woman emerged from behind Gorou. "I'm Sangonomiya Kokomi." she held a hand out towards him. Kazuha shook her hand with reluctance. 

"Let us head back to headquarters so we may talk unrestrained there." Kokomi said.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Gorou sounded as if he was a soldier of hers.

"You heard her, kid. Lets get a move on." Beidou patted his head slightly.



"The plan has thus been revealed to each of you. This is the battle formation we'll use. Kazuha-san, I heard you were a talented samurai, so please lend us your aid in battle. This secret assassination team shall take the lives of all at the top so that freedom may come to Japan once more!" Kokomi declared.

Kamisato Ayato chuckled from his seat as he stood up, and prepared to go to battle. Guns were to be used by those who could, the rest would rely on whatever weapon they found suitable. And for me, the katana was the only weapon he found suitable.

I stood up as well, and left the meeting room. It was nighttime, and the stars glimmered in the sky. Cold air enveloped my body, as I held my hands around myself to keep myself warm.

I was a son of the Kaedehara family, but I'd never known my parents. My name had been written on a piece of paper and placed in the basket I had been placed in, after which I was taken in by the orphanage.

Tomo had found me and asked to take me in, saying I was a pretty good guy. Tomo was quite a lonely person, who had no friends and his family had perished, so having me to talk to had probably put him at ease. I wondered where Tomo was. Was he doing well, wherever he was? There was no way to know.

Lives were like the leaves fluttering in the wind. Even a gentle breeze could easily deattach them from the tree, from any attachments they had to life, and instantly plunge them below to die. Yet, I was still alive. I had no reason to live, nor any attachments. I was wandering aimlessly, for no particular reason, and no particular destination. Just wandering.

"Whatcha doing out here, kid? You'll catch a cold." Beidou called from behind him. I turned towards her and smiled lightly.

"I was just admiring the wonderful scenery here, for it is not in everyday life that a wanderer can enjoy such a scenery, unperturbed." I replied. Beidou laughed as she placed a hand strongly on my shoulder.

"What are you, a bard?" she asked.

"They're called differently in the land of my birth." I answered.

"You've got an awfully calm nature, kid. But, eh, thats not bad at all. Just a bit of emotion here and there would do ya some real good." she said.

"Perhaps calmness is something that stems not from peace of mind, but from the darkest storms of one's heart." I gazed at the stars above, twinkling in a canvas of midnight black.

"Everytime you speak, its like flowers come out instead of words." she joked.

"Perhaps they do." I chuckled.

"You know what? I like you, kid. You're different from the others." Beidou ruffled my hair.

"Maybe I have taken a liking to you as well."

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