Chapter 16: Her Dreams

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Lumine flopped onto bed with Kazuha as she snuggled up next to him under the covers.

When she awoke, she was alone in her old house. Kazuha was nowhere to be found. Ah, this must be a dream. She got up and headed out the door and down the lane to Kazuha's house. When she reached, she knocked the door.

"Lumine-san? Why are you here so late at night?" Kazuha appeared at the door. An unfamiliar girl popped out from behind him.

"Who's that Kazu-chan?" she asked. I felt my heart breaking and blood boiling. Who was this girl? Why was she in Kazuha's house? Wait, this was a dream. But I no longer had any control over myself.

"You're supposed to marry me after graduation! And you're cheating on me?" I clutched his collar. Kazuha looked confused.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Is that why you asked him to come over when Ayaka was down? Just so you could feel closer to him? He's not your boyfriend and he definitely didn't promise to marry you!" the girl shouted as she tried to seperate me from Kazuha.

"YOU ARE A LYING A*HOLE!" I screamed. Kazuha pushed me away harshly, which made me fall to the ground. My eyes brimmed with tears. I reached into my pocket. A knife was lodged there. I ran at Kazuha immediately, and dashed the knife through his skull. He fell to the ground slowly with a thud.

"HAHAHAHA." I laughed as I looked at his corpse, even as tears came rushing into my eyes. I felt oddly at peace. The girl screamed. I extricated the knife from Kazuha's head and threw it at her. It flew straight through her heart and she fell dead.

I awoke with a jolt. I was trembling, and I wasn't able to move at all. I tried to move my limbs, to speak, but it was useless. Sleep paralysis. I let out a low cry as I tried to move.

"Are you okay?" Kazuha peered down at me. His bloodied face from my dreams appeared. Tears rolled out of my eyes as I wrapped my arms around him. He held me softly, delicately brushing my hair aside.

"What happened?" he asked gently.

"A bad dream." I murmured. He embraced me, and I felt instantly safe, from the horrible dream I'd had before.

Life will be the best if its always like this.

News headlines: Sole survivor of the Kaedehara family, found dead in residence with girlfriend by authorities this morning at eight after neighbours grew worried and called the police. The killer has left a familiar note 'snow' on the scene of murder, upon both corpses.

A/N: Twists come as naturally as breathing to this obsessed author.

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