Journal Entry #1: Experiment Gone Wrong

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Hallo. My name is Germany and this will be the first entry of this journal I have organized to be used to monitor this monster's strange behaviours, as well as to jot down some other notes about... Him.

How did this happen exactly?

Well, it was quite a weird one actually.

Me, Britannien und Amerika were at a secret laboratory by the outskirts of my territory. We were simply running some tests and experiments until Amerika accidentally knocked over some chemicals and caused a rather dangerous spillage.

Before we could clean it up, it mixed and caused a toxic explosion. I hastily made my way out in time, but Britannien stayed behind and sacrificed himself in a heroic effort to save Amerika.

I spent a few moments outside, waiting for the smoke to clear. The chamber was a complete mess. Although that wasn't the only problem... Britannien und Amerika were nowhere to be found. Of course, I panicked.

I had thought that if the others heard of this, they would think that I have done something terribly wrong to them.

And nobody wants another war...

As I entered back in, I coughed a bit as I tried to wave the bits of smoke out of my face - calling out to them both. With each yell of their name, my anxiety grew for there was no reply...

And as it all finally began clearing up, I saw a figure — unconciously draped on the messy floor where the spill was. At first, I couldn't really make it out with my clouded glasses. So I took them off and gave the lenses a nice rub from my lab coat. As I did so, I just felt even more nervous, with the looming question: "Where is the other one?"

Putting back on my, now clear, glasses, I let out a small shriek from the monstrosity that I saw. Some sort of freaky spider-like creature; four arms, messy hair like Amerika's, and wore the turtleneck sweater that Britannien had.

Mein gott, his eyes were worse. I managed to slide in a few seconds of distant observation before he woke up. Like his arms, he had four eyes - all four soulless black ones.

Albeit there were shaped of stars in his eyes that served as pupils from what I can see. Two were blue and the other two were white. The flag on his face was also very similar to of Amerika's und Britannien's.

Chills ran down my spine when that freak opened his eyes; black streams of an unknown substance dribbled down to its cheeks.


I backed away slowly, preparing to fight as he groaned and slowly got up from the floor - teetering a bit as he did.

But honestly, it seemed that I didn't even needed to prepare to fight at all. It was already very much occupied with himself.

He seems utterly confused as of what he was, much like how I am too. He screamed as more of that black substance continued to stream down, along with coughing out the same substance. A bit of it splattered down down the floor.

Note to self: Pick that up later for further investigation.

The mutated freak had a similar reaction to Britannien und Amerika when they are overly-stressed, upset, in pain - or just if they're feeling a certain extreme emotion. Truth be told, upon watching him stress himself out, it's not just similar... It's the exact same.

And there I came to the conclusion, that it IS Britannien und Amerika.

It seems that with the chemicals mixing, it caused a reaction in their exposed bodies. And since Britannien was trying to save Amerika, it caused for them to fuse somehow.

I don't know what's worse; Amerika being the only one who gets affected, or the two of them fusing together because of Britannien's suddenly selfless attmepted act of heroism.

As I am currently writing this down, I am just quietlu watching him freak out. I don't know if I should help or what...

I just helplessly watched it fight with itself.

It was sort of amusing to watch, honestly. He just suddenly bumped into a chair and began shrieking. But after that, he was curious of what the chair was. He circled around it and eventually sat on it; legs neatly together with hands on his lap.

He seems rather happy accommdhdksbzysgakbd

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