Journal Entry #2: Anglo

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...A minor setback there.

As I was trying to write down my observations of his interaction with the chair, he swiftly snuck up on me — causing for me to drop the journal and screw up the writing. When I did, he picked it up and read it. I don't know if he understood what was written or not. He just stared at it for a few seconds and threw it away and then he went back to his chair.

It was becoming night time and I still don't even know how to properly approach him. He showed no signs of actually being a threat (aside from jumpscaring me...), but I'm still going to be very cautious.

Slowly walking over to him, I tried to speak to him — and quickly learned that he only knows simple English words. It seems that the chemicals also damaged his brain. I'm surprised he knows how to even speak.

He was... Rather peaceful.

A bit of a nuisance and quite hard to deal with, but he complied to follow what I order him to do.

It's quite annoying to do, but it's all I could think of; I just distract him with a ball. I throw it at the other side of the room, and while he's distracted, I take his chair and drag it over to the testing chambers so I could at least try to learn more about him. Afterwards, he follows where the chair is and quietly sits on it.

It's the best thing I could do to get him to move.

I ran a few scans and other basic tests.

...It wasn't exactly the most succesful there is, but it's something.

I'm taking baby steps here. This freak isn't exactly the best and the easiest to handle after all — absolutely far from that.

I wasn't able to get much out of my tests, but at least it was something. All I've found so far is that... Well, his skull looks horrifying. Second, he seems to have fewer organs which is quite strange. I have no idea how this thing could live on — moreover, climb on ceilings without any sort of pain or burden whatsoever, so I suppose that is something I need to look into further. Third, his blood is black.

Do I have an answer as of why this is? No, I do not. Not at all. So that's another thing I have to investigate.

I have no idea how his body could work like this under these terrible conditions. I would just pass it on the fact that we're countries and we work differently, but this is some mutant fusion of two that was exposed to extreme radiation.

I'm glad that Japan didn't turn out like this when Amerika nuked him during... That war.

But then again, those cringey animes seemed to be enough to prove that his brain stopped working because of the radiation as well.

It seems that I'd be staying in the laboratory tonight. This laboratory is prepared for overnight projects, so it has quite a lot of places that is made to suffice for whoever plans to stay the night — such as myself.

I don't know where I'm putting my anthropomorphic spider though. I fear that blatantly locking him up would be bad for his mental health. I want to get on his good side, and it wouldn't be a nice first greeting to trap him in a claustrophobically dark room for the entire night. He's already weary of me doing scans on him...

But it's not like I'm leaving him aline to run around on his own either... Of course not!

Good thing we have larger containtment cells. Large enough for him to run around in, and do whatever he pleases. I set up the place to accomodate him. His favourite chair, the ball, a bowl of wasser, an open pack of fritten, und some papet and a box of bunstifte. Hopefully this will be enough to entertain him throughout the night.

With some pain and stress, I managed to lock him in there. I also named him Anglo, because... It seemed appropriate?

Look, I could just call him "Freak" throughout this entire journey, but I'm feeling kind tonight, so I'm naming the spider, Anglo.

And there, with a few more checks, I'm going to be heading to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice and peaceful day whereas he cooperates with me...

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