Journal Entry #13: Some Rain Must Fall...

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[Yes, this chapter's title and the previous one is a conjoined reference to the song. I just really love it, and since this "phase" of the story are all heavily inspired by Felix Kranken again, then why not reference it with the chapter titles too lol

There's also a little cheeky reference to a particular Colombian Tumblr sexyman in here, so that's something]

These past few weeks, I've been making some preparations. Not for security or testing, none of it. It's Christmas. I feel as if we both deserve a break. Anglo hasn't been as happy as he was before, and it's definitely worrying me.

Though he surely is still one heck of an enigma, I still think this is partially my fault. I've been neglecting him, and he doesn't even want to play with his keys anymore. He's talked less to himself and even less to me. It's concerning, and it's making me think all the worse things.

Sometimes I feel like Anglo's truly developing a mind of his own. And that's a bad thing because if he does, then I won't be able to control him as much I'd like to. And as bad as that sounds, I mean this in a... Parental way? Mein Gott, how did I end up becoming the dad of the remnants a powerful father-son duo...

Anyhow, ja, I'm worried. For some reason, I'm worried about him rebelling against me. I think he's starting to catch on and start thinking that I've been manipulating him. I've been trapping him for almost a year now after all. And with him seeing me upgrading the security more and making this facility possibly worse than Alcatraz, it would really make him somewhat hate me.

I hope he doesn't. If he does, I would genuinely be sad. Anglo is the only one I have left because I know that everyone hates me again. It's always "Oh, Germany is scary ", "Oh, he's so creepy ", " He makes bad things happen, and he killed my goldfish! "

Just to let anybody who may be reading my journal know, I am not scary nor creepy nor did I kill anybody's goldfish.

Why would I kill a goldfish??! What would fishes ever do to me?? Unless someone slaps me with one, like Sealand once did, then that's a whole different conversation.

But going back to the problem with Anglo though, I've decided to let him out of the facility for once. Play in the snow together or something. Truth be told, it was actually really fun! He was so new to the cold climate that his first instinct was to cling to me for warmth. I had to make some alterations to some clothes I've lent him to... Well, make way for his second pair of arms. But even if he was fully kitted out and ready to take on the winter season, he was still very scared of it.

But after calming him down and showing him that nothing's scary about the snow, he began to enjoy his day out of the facility more, which was really nice! :D

As I expected, he just kinda flailed to the ground and then began munching on the snow. 

He complained that its cold but he was having fun eating the snow anyway. I didn't even bother to stop him. He eats random things all the time, and nothing bad happens to him. He just dramatically complains about the taste or the temperature.

Another thing that we did though was a snowball fight! While he was engulfing the snow in his mouth, I decided to throw a snowball at his head. He shrieked and then I just pretended that nothing happened. But then I got thrown a snowball back, and we ended up having a whole snowball fight.


Long story short, my pride is now lost because I got defeated by a spider thing.

I guess, those extra limbs can really come in handy, huh?

But we also made a snowman! And of course, it also has four arms, just like him. It was really cute actually! Anglo even tried hugging it but then he may have hugged too much that the snowman kinda collapsed into a tattered pile.... Yeah, Anglo was really upset when it happened. He cried a lot and then went back to lying on the ground and eating snow. Who knew Anglo was into stress-eating?

So I ended up making another snowman just like the original one we made and then I just pretended that his new best friend totally didn't just die like 10 minutes ago, and that his snowman friend is totally fine :'D

...This is gonna be really hard to explain when the winter season passes and the snowman starts melting. Oh dear.

On the subject of bad things happening, a certain someone just really had to ruin it for us, huh? I saw EU again. Lurking about in the trees. Of course, it horrified me and I wasn't just going to pretend that I was hallucinating and that nothing was going wrong at all. Before confront him of course, I told Anglo to go back inside, and ended up locking him in there for the meantime. I brought a shotgun just in case before going back out to confront EU.

Fortunately, it didn't end up with me having to use the shotgun or him having to use any other weapon for that matter. It was just a civil conversation. Firstly, he thanked me for sparing his life and even providing him with a little camp of his own. And then, that's where it all went downhill...

He explained to me why he went to the facility himself. He said he wanted to have a casual chat but I apparently overreacted. Well, excuse me. I'm so fucking sorry for trying to protect Anglo and battling intruders then.

He said that everyone was worried about Britannien und Amerika, and where they are now. Everyone is asking questions, and everything leads to me. I asked EU if he told anybody about where we were. He said he hasn't. There isn't particularly any signal around the outskirts we're located in, which was honestly nice. After more discussions later, I had to confess to him what truly happened. Of course, he was shocked and was even disappointed that my fight or flight response was to literally start hiding and isolate ourselves from the face of the Earth. I told him that it was the right thing to do, and that Anglo isn't just them anymore. He's something else. He's more than that. 

I tried my best to defend my case, but EU's mind was decided. He proposed that they take Anglo in. They want to take Anglo away from me and into a bigger and better facility with actual testing equipment and people who will properly take care of him.

And obviously, I think this is absolute bullshit and I'd rather have them tear me to shreds and mutilate my body before they could get their stupid fingers on Anglo.

I don't often do this, but I decided to state my thoughts out loud and told EU exactly that his plans are fucking stupid and he should just leave us alone, and pretend that he never found anything. But of couse, EU was just as stubborn as I was. He still tried to talk to me.

He told me that he knew that it may be hard to let someone go, and the fact that Britannien und Amerika have mutated into this... Spider  is a clear evidence of that, but I still have to turn Anglo in. He said it was for the greater good, and that it would be very beneficial to Anglo. Not only to his physical health but to his mental health too.

He told me he's going to give me a few days to think about it before we start talking again. He'll just be up ahead at the camp, waiting for me.

It's currently in the middle of the night and Anglo said he wanted to sleep with me. He's resting beside me as I'm writing all of this down right now. I couldn't help but end up crying right now. Just the thought of letting Anglo kills me inside and out.

But now that I think about it, maybe EU is right. Maybe that's the reason why Anglo isn't as lively as he is, anymore...

I don't want to admit it, but...

...Bin ich hier wirklich das Problem?

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