Journal Entry #8: RelocateProject (Part 2/2)

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It's been a long drive, but we finally got to the new facility. Anglo almost fell asleep, but at least he's awake enough to help me carry the boxes we had in the back.

I had some of my military help out with this whole Relocation Project. I know that they're loyal and trustworthy. Highly-trained men who would never give a word out of what's going on, and would always work with absolute stealth.

Though of course, I didn't let them see Anglo.

That would be disastrous.

Speaking of Anglo, he's doing well. He's currently asleep in his new place. He was so happy to be in the new facility that he kept running around, squealing, climbing the walls - just being very hyper in general. It was a pain to hear his loud squealing... But at least he stopped.

It's funny to see how he managed to tire himself with exploring the new place. This facility is bigger and better. I'm surprised he managed to fully explore everything, honestly. 

I was hoping he could also help me set up the place, get it prepared (because it hasn't been used in absolute fucking years), but oh well, him peacefully sleeping seems better.

I'm already pretty tired myself. It's been an awfully long day. My back hurts, and I already feel like passing out. Tomorrow is going to be another long day. I'd like to run some tests on Anglo again. His coughing is indeed concerning, and its even more concerning that I don't know whats causing it, nor do I have a proper answer to...

Anything about him at all.

I'd say today was a good day. Tomorrow is going to be another very long day, especially because I have to get used to the new place, and the other equipment here...

I hope tomorrow would be a fruitful day, and that Anglo and I would finally be at peace . . .

Deutschland... dA sINd stiMmen in meii1nem KoppF


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