Journal Entry #11: Safety In Isolation, Anglo

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[I was going to update this sooner, but I had to wait so my ideas would match up with the dates irl... Or maybe not, depends on where you live cos of time zones xD 

Oh yeah, this is also based on The Walten Files again. As you can already tell by the title that was inspired from the phrase, "Safety in pills, Sophie" lol]

Surprisingly, it already started snowing here. Anglo hasn't seen snow before. Though I don't think I would like to let him experience it yet. I'm not sure how his mysterious body could react to extremely cold temperatures, besides I don't think it's safe at all.

At least not now...

Earlier today, EU found us. I don't know how or why, but he did. And it honestly almost gave me a heart attack. I was just monitoring Anglo run around the facilities again, until I ended up switching to the camera of the front entrance and found EU sneaking in. I don't know how he managed to fuck through the security, but then again he's EU

Good thing Anglo was near where the security camera office was. So I rushed out and locked him in there with me. 

I told him to stay quiet at all costs, in which he fortunately obeyed. In the office, there was also a control panel of all of the electronics in the whole laboratory. I was able to shut off some lights and other mechanical equipment using the control panel to help give off the effect that we aren't in the laboratory at all. I hope that fools him somehow, or at least enough so that he'll give up for now and leave us alone. 

Anglo wasn't comfortable looking at EU at all. He stared at the one screen where EU was at for awhile, but then he ended up having a panic attack. He began crying, and freaking out that EU was there. He was triggered by something, and even him doesn't know what it was. 

He said he doesn't remember. Then he said that he doesn't know. I tried my best to calm he down before things escalate even further. I may have comforted him so much that he ended up crying himself to sleep. It's a good thing that he's now asleep because it was time to fully deal with EU. 

Of course, I can't let EU just roam around forever. I know the layout of this laboratory at the back of my head at this point. There's a lot of secret passageways, which allowed for me to sneak up on him. With a special syringe, I managed to make him pass out. I dragged him out of the laboratory using my car, and put him away far far away from the laboratory - purposely putting him a place that would be hard for him to make his way back here. Of course, I felt bad leaving him out in the cold wilderness like that, so I set up a little camp for him when he wakes up. I don't wanna kill him after all. I just want him far away from us as possible.

I'm not that cruel. 

What about the tire tracks marked in the snow? I had a gut feeling that something like this could've happened, so I tricked out my car so that each time it moves, a little tool I've made sweeps the back to cover up the tracks as if nothing ever happened. 

I must say, I'm pretty proud of myself for that :)

When I got back, Anglo was still asleep. I spent some time with upgrading the security, and even getting better cameras. After that was done, I decided to stay with Anglo for a while. 

I put a blanket on him, but then he suddenly haphazardly woke up and begged for me to stay with him. So now, here I am beside him, with one hand holding his. Since I'm beside him and he's now asleep again, I might as well join him.

I did make sure to check for everything to ensure our safety while the two of us are asleep. This is where I will end this entry.

And I shall go and cuddle with Anglo as we sleep together. He's a pretty soft and cuddly monster...

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