Journal Entry #9: Observation Duty

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Today was a new day in our new 'home'. 

I decided to take it calm today. As I was setting up my equipment, I realized that why it was a pain to run tests on Anglo was also because I always scared the shit out of him. I just drag him along and force him to do things. Truthfully, I'd also be scared if I just get pushed inside a chamber and seizure lights would just flash in my face, and syringes would just be stabbed into my veins, all of a sudden.

So today, I told him about it first. I didn't exactly tell that we'd be running tests again. No, that would scare him off even more. So instead, I told him that we'd be doing some certain things tomorrow, so he needs to prepare himself.

He only nodded and continued on with his day.

Though of course, I'm not letting this day go to a waste. So using the security cameras, I decided to watch him, and maybe even write some things down. 

Currently, I'm staring at the screens and all I see is him running around his little room, trying to lift up the chair with all four of his arms, and sometimes moving it around. 

I also couldn't help but laugh when I saw him climb up the ceiling and then fall. He just looked so shocked he fell from the ceiling, his face was hilarious! 

I decided to get myself some coffee for the day, but then I came back and heard some very... Suspicious things

Anglo was talking to himself in the mirror. It seems that he sees something that I can't. He was referring to his reflection in the mirror as someone else - describing him as someone else. As much as it's funny and cute that he has an imaginary friend (nothing new considering him being a 6ft child...), it still sounded too suspicious to be passed off of just him having some normal imaginary friend.

I wasn't able to hear much because the security cameras were quite old, and had really bad audio quality. (Which is an absolute pain... )

The only things I was able to hear clearly was him saying was: "Ich habe Angst ." and "Sag es Deutschland nicht. Niemand muss es wissen. "


What the hell is this thing that I'm not supposed to know?  

I'm desperate to just storm down there and confront him about this, but I think it's better if I stay here and get more intel. If he knows that I know, then he'd probably stop talking or try and hide in some small space he could crawl into (You would be surprised about how a 6ft spider thing could perfectly fit in small as fuck spaces with such ease.) and talk to his 'imaginary friend' there. 

Is he going insane? Mein gott, I hope not. I'm not one to think that someone who's going through some problems is already insane, needs to be strapped, and thrown into the most damned of mental asylums. That's just bullshit

But if Anglo is going through some things, and is hiding it from me, then that's a bit of a problem. 

The audio is still absolutely shit, but at least I can kind of hear some stuff. Some other things he's said after that is that he's uncomfortable about his body. Understandable. (Though I honestly thought he was used to it, considering how he always loves crawling to the ceiling, and he always does it with such ease.) 

He also said that he doesn't like speaking English. Why? I have no idea

I thought him both languages, but it seems that he's more comfortable speaking mine. The only thing he said about English is that he feels like he's not allowed to speak it. I don't know where he got that idea from, because he's free to speak however he wants, but if he wants to stick to German then that's fine too. 

Something that is also quite suspicious that he mentioned though is the phone calls. He always sees me stuffing away the phones and just basically everything that could lead the other countries to us. He said that he was weirded out about it and wondered who was calling. 

Hell, if he finds out, then that'd be the end of me.

As I'm writing this, I'm getting quite tired since it's 3 AM and he's still talking to himself in the mirror... 

I already finished three whole pots of coffee just to continue watching this son of a gun have a conversation with himself. 

I'm not sure if there's anything else that would be worth nothing.

He seems to be jumping around with the topics. Sometimes he talks about himself or about me, that surely is strange and suspicious as fuck, and then randomly he'd just jump to talking about the ceiling, or the jingle-jangles of my keys that he, for some reason, loves so much. Then suddenly, he'd start talking about some deep shit again, then the topic just flies over to his love for the chair he's had since Day 1. 

And then another random unrelated topic.

This is gonna be a very long night... 

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