Journal Entry #14: Guilty

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[sorry for the short chapter. to that person who commented their interpretation, you know who you are, im sorry i cant exactly just twist the ending cos my brain is fried and idk how anymore lol. but ig i somewhat added bits of it here in this chapter if thats alr :') ]

 So, it has been a couple of weeks since the whole incident with EU. I have been thinking about it,  and ironically ignoring Anglo in the process. Snow is his new favourite food. He's completely ignoring his dog bowl, so that's a bit of a shame. EU has been lurking around as always. He even joked how I missed the deadline of a few days. I would apologize for my tardiness, but this is different. You don't casually put a deadline on someone's life and their well-being.

I'm still not sure whether to give Anglo away or not. I've probably been writing about this before. Whoever comes this journal would probably be bombarded with me rambling about how much I love Anglo. But I mean, isn't it true? I was never close to... Both of them, but Anglo is different. Even if he doesn't seem to care about me anymore, I still love him. I want him near me always. I would fight them all to keep them away from Anglo... To keep Anglo close to me.

But if Anglo doesn't want me, then was ist der Sinn?  Would it be abuse if I kept him? Mein Gott, if I continue to gatekeep him, I'm going to be the villain again, aren't I? They'll compare me to him, and claim that I intentionally led Britannien und Amerika to their downfall. And then it's going to be another war, and then some loyal others are gonna stay on my side and fight for me, then that'll escalate into another world war... And then my economy will drop and everything I've been working so hard for throughout these past few decades will just be all for nothing. 

Maybe giving up Anglo would be the right thing to do then...? As much as I hate it with all my soul, I wouldn't have a choice, would I? Either way, EU will pester me about taking Anglo. I'm scared. Anglo is too. He had a mental breakdown when he saw EU in the security cameras for the first time, like it triggered something within him. (Even if he was baffled, it was Britannien showing through. Maybe the Austritt. Britannien himself never looked to happy about it. He would always murmur "It's England's fault. It always is. " - Well either way, he has a bad relationship with EU and all of us, whether he was in favour of the Brexit or not). Just thinking about how EU will handle him is already making me anxious. It's not like I don't trust him, I do (kind of...), but what if something bad happens? No one knows Anglo better than I do, and if I'm not there, who will protect him? Who'll take care of him? Who'll run tests on him?

It's the right thing to do but it feels so fucking wrong. I can't-

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