Journal Entry #8: Relocate Project (Part 1/2)

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[Lol, I should I really stop referencing The Walten Files. And sorry for not uploading anything at all. Just got a lot of things going on in my life rn. Hope ya'll understand and still stick around for more :)

Also sorry that this is short...]

Alright, here we go. Today we're going to move to a new facility. Anglo is very excited to take his first step into the outside world. While I was loading the car that we had there, he won't stop screaming and jumping around in the grass. I could swear he went all Tarzan on some trees too. It was honestly a cute sight to see him be like that, rolling around in the grass and all... 

It genuinely warmed my heart.

(Though he may or may not also ate some random bugs he found.... Gross.)

Though of course, when it was time to finally to go, it was a bit of a burden to try and have him get in. He loved the outside so much, he said that he didn't want to leave. Which was kind of funny because whichever facility we go to, there will always be the forest that he'd always long for.

I decided to bribe him by plucking some grass from the ground and throwing it into the back passenger's seat of the car. Yeah, the car's getting all dirty, but I'd be damned if I didn't try anything and everything just to get him to wherever I need him to. Of course, like the idiot he is, he immediately ran inside the car and sniffed the grass. 

I shut the door behind him, and there goes Anglo going feral cos he thought that I was locking him in there for good. I don't know when or how did he develop abandonment issues, he always had me in the facility, but it was kind of cute seeing him get all sad when he thought that I was going to leave him there.

As I'm writing this, I'm just doing a few rounds of checking around the place, making sure everything is all good before we leave. I'm also making sure that we'd be able to leave no prints behind that we were ever here. 

I'll be getting into the car now. I'll continue writing once we get to the new facility.

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