Journal Entry #7: Secure, Contain, Protect

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I feel like isolating more from the rest of the world. When I woke up today, I noticed that there were more and more missed messages and calls from all of our phones. It's stressing me out. I hate this so fucking much.

For the sake of both of our sanities, I hid Britannien und Amerika's telefones, wie auch meins.

I don't care if the world wants to know. I'm keeping me and Anglo safe. Anglo isn't just two entities anymore. He's one single being that is alive. He is breathing and he is talking - he deserves to be treated as such.

He doesn't even know who the hell he is. He just existed and learned from me.

He's my responsibility. And I say, I protect him. What about Amerika's land? Kanada und his other bruders could handle it. Britannien? England is literally out for his blood, and he's having mental breakdowns because of his other brothers arguing every day. Do you think I'm giving Britannien back?

Besides, I know that it's for the best. Anglo isn't feeling so good. He keeps coughing out that black goo again. Is he stressed? Probably... I don't fucking know why. I asked him about it, and he doesn't know either. Understandable

As I'm writing this, me and Anglo are packing our things. I mean he doesn't have much stuff, neither do I. Just a few folders of documents, and Anglo's toys. And of course, some clothes, and other nessecities.

This will be my last time writing in this journal before we move. Am I being a coward for doing this? No, I'm being smart... Sometimes running away is a strategic plan. And in this situation, it is. 

They'll kill me for this. And who knows what the hell would they do to Anglo. 

Speaking of Anglo, he's confused as of why we're moving but he's happy. He never gets out of the facility, so when he heard that we're going to someplace new, he was really excited for it, which I guess is good... At least I don't have to stress myself to start packing or anything. He already did it the moment I told him too. 

He's growing up to be a good boy. 

That sounds very weird, now that I realize it...

It's almost night time. I should finish up with packing and help Anglo with whatever he's doing to his... Things. I keep hearing all sorts of noises. 

Tomorrow would be the start of, what I'd like to call, the 'Relocate Project'.

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