Tagebucheintrag #16; ...It's Sunrise [FINALE-ish]

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[Did you notice how the keyboard smash in the previous chapter is the exact keyboard smash in the very first chapter? Yes, the semi-colon and German version of "Journal Entry" is intentional. Who other character here doesn't like speaking English at all? Of course, it's Anglo. Why is Anglo writing again now? He knows how to write properly now? Yeah, well, ya gotta just read to find out what the hell happened and why is Anglo writing now fluently now. Also a bit of this is inspired by the German song Bye Bye by CRO. 

All of this canonically is solely written in German, but since a lot of us can't really translate an entire 1-2k worded chapter, the chapter will still be written in English for convenience. Expect intentional crappy grammar, wrong spellings, and randomly talking in 3rd person at times cos this is Anglo lol

And yes, the emojis intentionally have four eyes. It's Anglo drawing them after all.]

How long has it been? I think some years. I don't know. I think this is my journal now?? How do you use a journal. I don't know how to use a journal but I think I was able to read a bit to understand whats going on. I am so not enygmatec!! >::( 

I don't know what that means but I think it means something bad so I don't like it.  I guess I'll write about ourse- myself. Myself... My. Self. I am in control now, remember? I am one and the same. There's no we or our. Only me, myself, and I.

Okay fine. But I wanna write too. 

Alright then... 

How does a journal work again? My memory small. Maybe that's why EU doesn't like me and always presses that button that always hurts me using the stupid collar around my neck. I hate him. I hate everyone. They're scary, mean, rude, and sooo not like Deutschland !!!

Deutschland always fed me snow and beans that he says are called dog treats. But Deutschland is here no more. Deutschland left me. EU say he sent to other facility. Why cant I be with other facility with Deutschland ? I want Deutschland but no one listen to me ::(

Small brain remember Deutschland with his hands up and he look very very sad. There were many people around that time. I don't know who they are but they rudely pushed me in a prison box and took Deutschland away from me!! Deutschland say he sorry and that is the last time I see Deutschland. No more of 2nd facility too. After Deutschland been taken away, they also took me away too. I never saw 2nd facility ever again and it makes very sad. New facility though is biiiiiiiggggg

and also very scary.

It more scaryer cos Deutschland not there. EU not good. EU is like new Deutschland but he also not Deutschland cos Deutschland is very very nice and EU is very very not nice. I want throw chair at him, but chair is gone ::'( also clang clang thingies that Deutschland calls keyes. I dont know where Deutschland is now. No one would tell me >::(

It makes me very very very upset. There is nothing good at all when Deutschland and me are not with each other anymore. There was also that people who went to see me. What their name again?

I think it was Frankreich und Kanada. They say they know me but I never know them. Kanada very surprised about me apparently. I dont know who he is but he cryed when he saw me. Frankreich almost the same. She said that she misses me even if I dont know her.

I think I do but I dont. I like to call her Froggie. I dont know why but I like calling her Froggie ::D

Froggie and Kanada are like my only friends now. Many nice things happen when they come to visit me. It makes me feel happy. Even if I am in deep and bad pain because of EU, when Froggie und Kanada come, it make me forget about pain ::)

I wish I can tell it to Deutschland. I miss Deutschland. I want Froggie bring Deutschland  next. I want to see Deutschland again. I want to have Deutschland come to me and we smile and play in snow again. I want Deutschland to hug me and we fall asleep together. 

I love Deutschland very very very much. I hope Deutschland okay... 

...When will I ever see Deutschland again?

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