Journal Entry #4: Eins Zwei Drei

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Day 4. 

Es läuft eigentlich ganz gut.

Today I decided to teach  Anglo some proper English, and some German! :D

He's learning more about the simple things around the laboratory. But he still can't talk. Well he kind of can. He just makes random noises, and sometimes poorly mimic what I say. Teaching him how to talk was harder than I expected it to be. He can barely even pronounce the letters of the English alphabet. 

I'm not expecting some groundbreaking results, but it's still just frustrating that it took me a two and a half hour to get him to pronounce A, B, C. 

Today was a slow day (or at least it felt like it from how dumb this man is). I took a break from testing his organs and all, so instead here I am testing his mental capabilities. I never expected that I'd be trying to teach kindergarten-grade things like this, but here I am now.

Something that I am glad about though is that once he got the hang of it, he was able to understand more. But it seems that the German alphabet confused him more, so I had to re-teach him about the English one. I also thought him some basic German words. 

Screw English. 

We're in my land so he's going to be learning German ;)

I'm just kidding. But I did emphasize on teaching him more German though. He is in my land after all, and everything and everyone around him would be speaking the language, so he'd at least he'd be able to communicate, at least to me. 

He seemed very happy whenever I praised him, which honestly made me smile. I also thought him how to write and read. After learning the alphabet, it came like second nature to him - which is absolutely great. He's also more motivated to learn whenever I give him some, uh... Dog treats.

Okay, I know it's not really that humane to feed him dog treats, but he isn't even a human either (nor a country...?). I honestly don't know what he is, specifically. I know he's some mutant spider creature but I don't exactly know what the hell he is. 

That made me realize... Can he even be considered as a country anymore?

It's surely something to ponder about. For the time being, I'm not going to dwell in it. That's not the main focus of mine. I'll just continue on trying to help him out and somehow get everything back to normal - the sooner, the better. 

Today wasn't the most eventful one, but it was surely still a progressive one. At least he can somewhat talk to me now, and I can slowly begin to understand what he wants too. He's also becoming happier with me...

Previously, he really doesn't want anything to do with me. And the only reason he followed me is because I used lured him using the things he likes. But now he's kind of following my orders with little to none hesitation or rebellion. 

It's really nice.

He's also slowly warming up to his cell. Sometimes when I'm working on something, I would look at the security cameras, and see how he's doing. He's just being a behave little spider and just throws the ball around the room and chase it. Sometimes he also moves around the chair and sit on it. Or sometimes he just likes to crawl around the walls and the ceiling. He isn't really being harmful nor does he end up hurting himself, so I just let him be.

And while he does that, I finally examined the black goo that came out of him when we first met. I would be bluffing if I said that I found something. The black goo isn't really something new that we all see. Both Britannien und Amerika has these weird soulless sockets that drip out this weird black goo. 

Britannien is who I managed to observe the most. I'm not some creepy guy who watches him weirdly or anything, but back when he was still in the EU, I noticed that the goo drips a lot. He always tries to hide it, and often times he immediately tries to wipe it off with his hankerchief. Meanwhile Amerika always tries to hide it with his heavily-tinted sunglasses. Though sometimes it isn't really the best disguise, because it always drips down his cheeks as well.

Now what is this mysterious gooey substance? I have no idea. 

Even through all the tests I did, I still don't understand what the hell this is. All the results are fucked. Every single one. I need to understand what the hell this is because it's key to understanding Anglo. Almost all of Anglo's body is replaced with this stuff.

Like I said, he doesn't have half of the organs we all need to live. His blood is black, and his insides are a mess, over all. Aside from the few bones and organs he has left in there, this is all there is. 

Whatever this disgusting fluid is.

Anyhow, that is all for today. Day 4 is progressive and somewhat a success. Tomorrow I'll continue to try and build my relationship with Anglo, to keep the momentum going. 

This would be beneficial because at least he'll listen to me more when I need him for testing.

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