[ Anglo :) ]

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[Guten tag! Author here. Was making some Anglo doodles and decided to post some of them here, because... Why not lol]

 Why not lol]

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[And have Germany as well lol]

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[And have Germany as well lol]

[Thank you for reading the story so far! This idea has been in my mind since last two years ago, and it is only now when I'm able to actually write it down and show it to the public :')

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[Thank you for reading the story so far! This idea has been in my mind since last two years ago, and it is only now when I'm able to actually write it down and show it to the public :')

I appreciate how quickly this is popping off. I mean its not really going stonks that fast, but it's still popping off! I didn't expect for this to actually already get 40+ reads that quickly lol. Usually it'll take around a month for something I write to get at least 10+ and it'll stay like that for the rest of it's bloody existence lol

Thank you so much for the reads and votes! I really appreciate it! It motivates me to keep working :>

I hope this little A/N isn't much of a bother... Vibing like this is something I often do in my stories, so I hope you don't mind...

There will be new chapter tomorrow. I actually was going to post two chapters today, but I got tired, so I took a nap instead lol. But tomorrow, there will be a new wholesome chapter lol

By the way, have any suggestions or anything you want to see in the story? Please comment lol

I would love to hear from the people that read this. This is the reason why I'm doing this after all lol

Anyway, enough of my dumb rambling... Thank you for reading this and the whole story so far. I hope you stick around for more, and have a good day/night! :D ]

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