Tagebucheintrag #17; Sie Existieren Nicht

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[ "I thought this just ended- wtf- " you may have asked. But if you didn't I'll just pretend that you did! Anyway, so, the last chapter was supposed to be the ending, but a certain someone didn't want it to end, and I kinda didn't want it to end either cos while I was writing the ending, I can't stop thinking of all the new possibilities of writing as Anglo this time around, so I decided to continue this lmao. I guess this is kind of a spin-off? A canonical spin-off?? Idek anymore, I'm tired lmao. You could either keep reading this 'Act 2' of sorts, or you could accept as the last chapter as the real ending, so I guess it just depends on you. If you decide to accept the last chapter as the end, then tschuss ! It was fun having you for this long, and I hope you enjoyed the story! But if you're gonna stay, then kuhl ! Glad you're staying! I promise you that I'll try my best to not disappoint! :') 

Hope you enjoy's Anglo's P.O.V from now on!

(Also sorry if this chapter is crappy, this is kinda a bit of a warm-up to writing like Anglo lol)]

They making me forget Deutschland. I asked EU where Deutschland is and he say that Deutschland is gone and he not coming back for me D'::

That make me very very sad... BUT THAT NOT TRUE!!! Deutschland love me and he say that he will find me again someday... But every day, EU always say Deutschland bad and that why me must forgets Deutschland

He also tell me many things that I dont want to hear. Many of the times, when it with Deutschland, I like listen everything he say, but with EU, it make me wish I had no power to hear stuff because all what he say always makes me upset ::(

Not only tell me that Deutschland no love me more, but he also always tell me that Frankreich und Kanada are not my frens. They only come to see me because they need something from me. They dont love me either. They like fake frens! They only come to me because they need something D::<

But... I dont know what they need. They always ask me funny questions like "Do you remember?"

Remember what?

I not know what they want me to remember.... Sometimes it make me more upset cos they always look very sad when I say that I not know what they speaking about. It make me feel like I do something wrong but I not know what it is!! >::'(

EU also always tell me weird things... Sometimes I ask him what they mean if I remember, and he always tell me that they asking if I remembers when I was a persons... I... I don't know what he mean by that...

I always has been a persons, but he tell me that I not a person. He always tell me me that I other people...

I don't want to know who they are.... They dont exist... Zumindest nicht mehr.....

I hate they say I not persons.... I ALWAYS has been persons... Ja

I always has been living with Deutschland as a persons. And even if they says I not true persons...


They're gone now. They haves died. No matter how hard Europes tries to bring they back, they no comings back. It all useless. It always has been. But world is cruel, corrupt, and evils. Them dying is for the better because they no have to suffer because world. 

Die Welt hängt immer von mir ab, auch wenn ich derjenige bin, der in Not ist. Sie denken immer, ich weiß und kann alles, weil ich mächtig und das beste Land bin. Du kümmerst dich nie um mich. Niemand tat es. Niemand kennt mich. Sie kennen nur meinen Reichtum und meine Macht. Ich habe mich sowieso nie um mich selbst gekümmert. Ich wurde einfach dazu gedrängt, eine Marionette der Gesellschaft zu werden. Sie kümmern sich nur darum, weil ich das Land der Freien und die Heimat der Tapferen bin.

Du hast nie gewusst, wer ich bin. Sie wussten nicht, dass ich überhaupt nicht echt war. Männer können keine Kinder zeugen, aber sie fragen nie, warum die beiden Inseln mich geboren haben. Ich war nur ein Sklave für sie. Sie haben mich geboren, um ihre Feinde zu ärgern und reich zu werden. Ich bin nicht einmal eine Familie für irgendjemanden. Ich gebäre andere, um die Welt in Bewegung zu halten. Ich wollte nie ein Imperium sein. Ich wollte nie Vater werden. Ich mag die Wellen beherrschen, aber die Wahrheit ist, dass ich seit dem Tag meiner Geburt ertrinke.

They not real.

They never real.

They don't exist.

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