Journal Entry #12: Into Each Life,

378 12 12


Guten tag! So, um... When was the last time I updated this? Oh my, according to Wattpad, it's been almost about a month since I updated this... Mein Gott...

Um, I'm very sorry about that. A roller coaster of things happened. I got real busy from school, then my parents and I had a horrible fight and I almost got kicked out of the house. I got banned for a bit, I'm losing my closest friends IRL... 

And as you can tell from the last chapter, things are getting bad. I wanted to kind of stay away from angsty crap for a bit since things were already stressful enough, I didn't want my escape from reality to be as stressful too. I've already began having nightmares from other old stories, which lead to me just abandoning it altogether because it's just causing for more stress than happiness to me. I love writing this story, so I don't want it to become stressful for me to write about, and lead for me to abandon it too. So I guess I've just been putting this to the side for a while 'till I feel that I'm ready to start writing again. 

These past few days, I've been thinking of dropping another update, but wasn't so sure if I should. I don't know why, but it just didn't feel right to me. But then I woke up this morning, logged on, and found someone commenting on the last chapter, telling me to update this. Guess that was the push I needed to actually start writing.

If this chapter comes out way sooner, then that means that I'm not exactly keen on writing yet. I write a tiny bit, then stop for a few days, then come back, then stop, and repeat... I'm just trying to take it slow and get to my bearings. 

Oh yeah, thanks so much by the way for 1k reads!!! I made a whole comic to celebrate that. I was going to post it way sooner, but then everything went downhill from there and then yeah... 

It's gonna be a bit hard for me to post the comic due to IRL circumstances, so... That's that. 

Funny thing is too, actually, before all hell broke loose, I was planning so many future chapters. There's 4 chapters that's been left in draft for a whole month. They already have titles and notes written there of what the chapter will be about. Guess I really was going to go non-stop (/ref) with writing for this story, huh? 


At least I'm going to start writing again lol

Thanks so much for understanding. I genuinely hope you continue on reading. Cos this is going to get juicy (or at least for me, I feel like it's going to lol)

The timeline of the chapters may also be a bit late. I originally intended this to be posted during Christmas, to connect with real life, but things went down bad, so now it's l a t e.

Also, I don't know crap about winter... it never snowed here, and the only fake snow attraction here in my country ironically burned down, so don't cancel me for what I'm going to write- ]


 I've made a couple tweaks and upgrades here around the new facility. Heightened security and other tidbits. Even with all the special machinery I've invented, I'm still anxious of EU.

And I'm getting anxious about Anglo. I feel that he's catching on. He's been following me around and watching me work. And it's not in a "Woah, what're you doing? That looks really cool and interesting" kind of way. He's watching me because of something else. It's like he's suspicious about it. 

I don't understand why. After the whole incident with EU, he's been acting so weird. He hasn't been talking to himself either. He just sits in front of the mirror for hours now. Sometimes he falls asleep doing so. He doesn't talk to me a whole lot either, which is the strangest thing of all. He's not hyper anymore. Did I do something to him by accident? 

I'm trying so hard to think of every single possibility. I'm even making a list of it. No solutions come to mind. Not at all...

 Ich weiß nicht, wie ich ihn verstehen soll.

It's been a while since I've written here in my journal. I've been too busy upgrading the facility. None is really lost, I think. Sacrificing my time to use it for heightening security is better than nothing, right?

Though... Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe me being busy is what making Anglo feel down? Before this whole mess with that bastard EU, Anglo hasn't been out of my sight. And Anglo hasn't really spent a day without me either. And now I was busy, I ended up neglecting him.

I honestly thought that would be better. To give him a bit of his alone time, y'know. Maybe he doesn't want any alone time at all? 

Well, it's been snowing even more here. Maybe Anglo needs some fresh and cold air outside. Every part of my soul is telling me that my plan is the stupidest thing I've ever thought of, especially with EU still possibly being around, but I feel as if this is my chance to bond with Anglo again.

It's almost Christmas. He deserves to experience it. I'll just have to work even harder these next few days to prepare for Christmas. No, not with getting festive but to upgrade security more... 

Experiment with weapons and other gadgets. See what works. Practice. Prepare for more EU encounters or possibly even other intruders. All of this is going to pay off when it comes to Christmas...

That way, when the day comes, I'll be able to let Anglo out of the facility to explore his surroundings more and have some fun in the snow, with at least a bit more ease that he'll be safe and I'll be able to protect him. 

I'm sure he can handle himself on his own for more days, right? He has his chair and a terribly-duplicated version of my keys. (He just really loves playing with them besides it's practically useless. It's a toy. ) I also gave him more crayons that he'll hopefully won't eat to keep him company. Plus points because I have more and better cameras to monitor him. Even if I physically won't be around, I have a tablet close by to use to quickly glance to check what the hell he's doing.

Wenn alles gut geht, dann ist dies vielleicht der glücklichste Tag, den wir beide jemals erleben werden.....

ENIGMA II Countryhumans AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora