Tagebucheintrag; 18; Wer bist du, wenn du alles verlierst, was dich gemacht hat?

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[ " Who are you when you lose all of what made you, you? " is the title. 

Why is the title so aggressively long? I honestly don't have any idea. I wrote half of this on Google Docs and that was back in November 2022. That was a quite a long time ago.

Speaking of long time ago, my interests and writing style have shifted and as you may connect the dots, I've fully lost my interest in Countryhumans (Hetalia is dangling on the cliff rn), but I still love this story. You think it's interesting, and I think it's interesting, but I've forgotten how to write as Anglo, so please bare with me lol. 

Please also bare the fact that this chapter is rather short. I just wanna keep the stakes low and use this chapter as the opportunity to get the swing back into things. Get myself acquainted into writing like this again lol. 

Hope you guys are still here to stick around 'cause I think I've finally got a plan in my head for this, unlike before where I just haphazardly wrote disjointed ideas together :') ]

I thinks I starting to hate EU more. Earlier, he keep showings me pictures of people.. I don't know and he sayings I needs to remembers them, but I donut.

He scream at me, saying that I knows them but... I dont no.. I know Kanada und Froggie, but everyone else, I dunno. He showing many persons to me, but I can nut.. Remember.


Who are they?

Who is me?

Who is what?

What is who?

You're not making any sense...

Warum bleibst du nicht ruhig?


Froggie came today. She say she help. She much better than EU. 

She take me to room in fazility with the grass floor. She calls it "da cortyard". 

I dunno wat that means but oki. 

I leik grass floor. Many little snacks under the green thingies on grass floor but EU no want me eating "bugs" and Froggie say no eat too ::[

Froggie did bring me stuff dats not "bugs" but still okay to eat ::D 

She call it "sconez" and "friez" 

They funny words. They English words.

Froggie tell me i leik dem very much but I never saw them before my whole life... I has four eyes and I has never seen sconez und friez. Froggie lying >::[

Das haben Sie und sie sind köstlich.

Ja, das ist lecker.

She say food help make me remember. She just leik EU. Make me remember things und people I dunno. It make my head hurt. Deutschland say it's cos of thing called stresz. I dunno wat that is but he say it bad. If people make me feel like that, dat is bad. 

So they all bad for making me feel da stresz? I guess so. I no leik stresz. Make me feel all bad in the inside... I wonder why they makings me feel stresz. Do Froggie und EU not know of stresz? I thinks they do and they knows deez thingies also makings me feelings the stresz... Why do they makings me feel stresz. I hate it! I hate it!! I hate it!!!

Why theys wanting to knows so bad??!

Why theys always findings them???!! 

Britannien und Amerika ist not heres no mores. Why theys not acceptings thats??! 

Whys theys no acceptings Anglo... I also just like Britannien und Amerika, nein

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