Scene 13 - Thunderbirds meets Stingray!

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We see the stock footage of Stingray returning to Marineville through the tunnel. Atlanta watches the flashing light on the diagram on her dashboard as Stingray returns. Now, back in Pen 3, the submarine rises up to the surface and then the motors are cut. Cutting back into the interior of the control tower, Brains, Gordon, Lady Penelope, and Parker await the arrival of Troy and the other Stingray members. Shore holds a radio communicator in his hand as we hear the voice of a security officer on it.

Security Officer:

Subject test result negative sir. All clear.


Thanks. Well, they should be arriving any moment now. It will make for quite a fun reunion for you, Tracy!

The door is heard to be open, and those inside the tower control room all turn to see that Troy, Phones, and Marina have all arrived.


Reporting for duty, Commander. Everything was all fine except for what we already... hay, Gordon!


Troy! How have you been?


I've been great, I've been just great! I should have known it was you coming down. Oh boy, will you be here for Atlanta's party?


I sure will!


Gee, this is great! I thought you had left and now were out chilling from life. What brings you here?


Well, Mr. Hackenbacker, Lady Penelope and her butler Parker are the visitors at Pacifica tomorrow. And because they're coming down here, I thought I might as well pay you guys a visit.


A pleasure to meet you at last, Captain Troy.


Lady Penelope? I thought... wow. And Mr. Hackenbacker himself. Boy, they say you're a real genius.


Well, I-I suppose you could say that. Nice to meet the crew of Stingray at last.


Oh sure. This is my hydrophones operator, Lieutenant Lee Sheridan, but we nickname him Phones because of his position aboard Stingray.


Glad you're with us. But my, my! What a team.


And this is Marina.

She smiles at them.


Why, this must the mute girl who comes from the sea.


Erm, beg your pardon m'lady, but Ms Marina comes from the sea?


Yes Parker. Marina comes from the sea and has many special abilities. On more than several occasions, she has saved Troy's life and Stingray.


Err... I still don't think I quite follow, m'lady.


Never mind, Parker. We shall explain later. But where is Dr Moxax? Surely she will be joining us later tonight?


Yeah, well, about that. Troy, that Dr Moxax passed clear through security. There is not a shred of evidence that can back up your story.


What? But Marina wouldn't harm anyone like the way she described. She must have had a radio on her person.


Well the lab boys can't seem to find a thing of it.


Commander, you aren't going to let Marina suffer a penalty of assault, are you?


It does seem to be a little strange why Marina would do something like that out of the blue. I think we'd better keep tabs on her in case she pulls out another stunt. Marina, you'd better keep your distance from her. Dr Moxax was always a difficult woman and wouldn't let anything stand in her way.


Commander, if this Dr Moxax is such a troublemaker why don't you have her put out of the project.


Two reasons Gordon. One, we have no real evidence against her. And two, I'm not the one with the authority to do so. Her rank is nearly as high as mine. Anything that was to do with her job would have to be reported to the World Navy.


Really? That far up the ranks?


Afraid so.


Well I don't like this one bit. She could well be up to something, and we were attacked by Titan's Terror Fish. There is more than this than meets the eye. And that complex might obviously play some important part in Titan's schemes...

Thunderbirds/Stingray: Skirmish Of The SeasWhere stories live. Discover now