The Consequences of Stealing a Car

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A/N: Kinda long chappy for you :D (not really, but it's longer than the last few I have published :/ ) 

(Also, I'm finally updating two Saturdays in a row again so I might be going back to my original schedule!! Yay!!) 


"Whoever that is out there," Alexandra whispered quietly, "I wish them the best of luck, because they are not going to get out of this unscathed."  


Alexandra took back her statement as soon as she found out who had been in the car. 

Barely two hours had passed since the feast, and the teachers had tried hard to keep everything under cover, but the Hogwarts rumor mill worked much, much, harder. Harry had heard stories varying from the truth all the way to the Minister of Magic dabling with muggle technology and giving the first prototype to Ronald Weasley so he could have a test run. 

Not only that, but the Evening Prophet - an extension of the Daily Prophet - had printed out an article about the whole debacle. It had been written by one Ms. Rita Skeeter and it had left no words unsaid. 

The article had been encouraged by Harry, who had controlling shares of the establishment, and had sent a letter as soon as possible, giving the reporter as much inside information, gossip, and and the public opinions (of the Hogwarts student populace) as he could. With Harry's subtle redirecting, the article glossed over Arthur Weasley's involvement in the whole thing rather quickly, and instead pinned the blame on Ronald, for poor logic and problem solving skills, and Dumbledore, for poor management and irresponsibility concerning the safety of students. 

The article went particularly in depth on the platform debacle, and how it had closed too early, leaving quite a few students unable to gain entrance. (It was also noted that the other students had, in fact, done the wise thing and had written to the school, not resorting to stealing a muggle car.) 

A very large part of the article also consisted of all the damage Ron Weasley had caused with his flying car. Apparently at least seven muggles had seen him flying about, which was worthy of an entire article in it's own right, considering the laws and the statue of secrecy. On top of that, herbologists, botanists, garden keepers, and over all plant enthusiasts were downright furious at Ronald Weasley for the impressive - in a bad way, of course - damage done to the incredibly rare Whomping Willow on school grounds. The article had been very thorough when describing both the damage done and the importance of the tree. 

The article had ended off with a few obvious suggestions on what could be done with this problem and how it was mildly concerning that no one had thought to resort to them before. 

(In case this were to happen again, it would be incredibly beneficial to have an auror or a member of the Hogwarts or Ministry staff present at King's Cross station. They would not only make sure no one was left behind, but that confused muggle-raised first years could make their way through safely. This would also be beneficial to make  sure that no muggle sees more than they must.)  

Harry had to marvel at the way Rita crafter her articles, using words in such an intricate yet beautiful way that it was hard not to listen to what was being said. 

Dumbledore had kicked up a storm when the news paper arrived, and had demanded a search for whomever had given the papers "insider information". 

His demand was rebuffed and ignored, after all they could and would not screen through students' mail and everyone was within their own right to speak up or contact authorities about anything that they found concerning. 

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