🍐𝐁𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞

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Requested by: hope_asf

Requested by: hope_asf

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3rd person's pov:

"Y/n! To your left, dodge!?" you heard Hakkai shout, while he was beating a guy from Valhalla hard enough to knock him out.

Swiftly, you noticed the incoming punch, which was aimed for your back, and punched the guy in the nose, causing him to groan in pain.

"Fuckin' bitch! You almost broke my nose." he complained and left to go punch another person, backing off from you.

You laughed and thanked Hakkai quickly for helping you. And as to return the favor, you went near him and kicked a guy which was ready to take him out from behind.

"That was close." he said as he stuck his back with yours. Now covering each other's backs, you fought about a dozen guys each with ease.

It was hard, considering Toman had about 150 people and Valhalla had near 300. Despite that, everyone was a good fighter and close to one another, so they had each other's backs. That was something you took pride on, if anything.

So naturally, you'd have your Vice Captain's back as well. And your friend's, too.

You wanted to beat the shit out of Valhalla and take your first division's captain back.

You shared Mikey's ambitions. Along with some reasons of your own. You believed in him and respected him, but today he looked different.

Darker. Angrier. Determined.

It scared you in a way, but it also fired you up. You had nothing to fear. You'd win the dispute against Valhalla and take Baji back as everyone wanted it.

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