Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


I can't decide if I'm claustrophobic or honored that Aiden doesn't want to leave my side. He's been so attentive for the past couple weeks. I know it freaked him out when Adam escaped jail and came after me. I was scared too, but I can't stop living my life. And neither can Aiden.

He's had someone from his family with me, if he has class or practice. Landon, Wyatt, and Sawyer have taken turns walking me to or from class. Hunter, Colby, or Emery stick close at the apartment. And Aiden is by my side as much as possible.

It's not a bad thing. I'm just used to being alone. Having to depend on others to be with me has only  reminded me how often I'm alone. As an only child, and having a single working parent, I learned to accept the loneliness and take care of myself. I'm independent that way. I'm just not used to being taken care of.

The holidays flew by so fast. It's the first time I didn't go home to my dad, even though I really wanted to. He understood and planned on working anyway. He said that Fran would be there and they would have a small Christmas with her son. He didn't seem to mind me being gone, I guess he's gotten used to me not being around.

I stayed at the apartment and studied for the most part although I was persuaded to join the Bradford's for dinner. I declined going on Christmas Day when they opened presents. I didn't want anyone to feel obligated or awkward about it. It was for the best although Aiden was upset I didn't come. We had a quiet moment for our own Christmas.

Money has been very short, and even though I got an extra check from the Bradford foundation, I've watched every penny. I couldn't get myself to cash the foundation check and ended up returning it once the office was opened on campus. After my run in with Adam, I don't want to take another dime from their foundation. I'll just have to find another way to pay for classes next year.

Aiden wasn't happy with me when I explained it to him. I know he's the reason I got the check. I know he pushed for me to get more than my share. I don't want his money, and I don't want to give anyone a reason to say I'm with Aiden for his money. If I take money from the foundation, it will only open up the opportunity for more criticism from others like Adam or even the press. I won't put Aiden through that.

So, I'm back on the job hunt. I need something close to campus, so I can walk to and from. My car is on its last leg, I think. It's been sputtering and grinding when I've used it. I think it's better to just let it sit until I can get it fixed. Which I can't do until I get a job.

I've looked at a couple other diners and the coffee house close by. I've asked at the student services center and admissions. I've talked to my business professor and advisor. So far I've come back empty handed. I need to get something soon if I want to eat. I won't sponge off the girls or Aiden but my coffers are getting way too low.

Aiden tried to reason with me about it. Believing that I would agree when he said I need the money, I lost my temper. I'm well aware that I need the money. I'm aware that by refusing his offer I put myself in a crunch. I'll get through it just like I always have. Being broke isn't something new for me. And that sparked just one more argument I've had with Aiden this week.

I didn't get to see much of him over the holidays with bowl games, family and my job hunt. Aiden is preparing for the combine and the draft. Between practice and his family getting ready for Georgia to have surgery, he's been busy. They're all worried about her, with good reason. Georgia is the backbone of their family. She's such a wonderful lady.

It's hard for them to see such a strong independent woman struggling with health problems. She doesn't complain or mope around. Georgia is much too feisty for that. She deals with what is thrown her way and faces her challenges with her head held high. I bet she wins too. Georgia is too obstinate to do otherwise.

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