Stiles and Bucky - Part 3

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This is just basically all the times Bucky and Stiles were caught making out in the Avengers tower. And they have only been there for a week.
Now that Stiles got a taste of his boyfriend it seemed that he just couldn't stop. They barely had time to hang out because Shield was keeping him busy most of the day, with training and briefings and other avenger stuff that Stiles doesn't know much about. But on the off chance they catch each other between meetings then they are stuffing each others tonsils down their throat, sorta vivid but you get the point. The first time they ran into each other they hadn't meant for it to happen. It just sorta did.

After 2 days of staying at the tower it was already losing its appeal. Stiles had wondered through every inch of the place, at least the places that he was permitted to go. And he was missing Bucky. Like a lot. They hadn't seen each other much since Stiles first got to the tower. Apparently it was starting to become actually mayhem in New York. The latest big bad threatening to kill everybody. Typical.
Because of all this, Bucky has been sleeping in his own room, which is literally right down the hall from the Shield meeting room, and consequently restricted to only Shield members. 
Stiles wasn't complaining. Well actually. He was complaining, he missed his boyfriend.
So imagine his surprise when he was just waiting for the elevator on his way to the cafe downstairs and he locks eyes with Bucky. Bucky and A hoard of shelf members were walking in Stiles direction towards the elevator. The were all dressed in form fitting suits. They hadn't seen each other in a while and Stiles was confused on how to act. Stiles couldn't help but skim his eyes over Bucky's body before meeting his gaze again. When they met eyes again Bucky was smirking, Stiles scoffed at this.
At this point they were now less than a couple feet apart, still staring at each other.
Stiles spoke up, "I like the suit. It's fits you very nicely." After he said it he felt to need to give it another good look now that he was up close to it. It fit him just right and hugged all the right places. Probably courtesy of Stark Industries. Maybe he needed to send a thank you card. Because he was certainly thankful for it.
Bucky cleared his throat, interrupting Stiles' inner monologue, "Stiles" Bucky leaned it closer, "My eyes are up here."
Stiles laughed at that, but didn't remove his gaze, he was still inspecting every nook of the suit. He was tempted to reach out and touch him. His hand only got half way there, before he remembered the company. So he stopped himself, hand still hanging stiffly in the air. He glanced at the Shield Agents, who thankfully where in their own conversations.  He then looked back up at Bucky, who was entirely too close (or maybe not close enough, he couldn't tell), his pupils were filling his iris and his look told Stiles that he wanted to go somewhere more private.
Stiles used his frozen arm to grab at Bucky's. And that was when the group finally spoke up,
"Bucky, come on we gotta go."
Stiles looked over, Hand still frozen on Bucky, and saw that the entire group was already in the elevator holding the door for Bucky. Stiles glanced between Bucky and then group.
"I'll take the next one", Bucky's voice sounded raw and deeper than usual.
The group didn't seem to like that answer seeing as they gave Bucky an intense glare. The man in charge spoke up again, "You shouldn't be late for this"
Bucky snapped, "I won't. Just give me a damn second. I'll take the next one."
He finally decided to back down, but didn't lessen his glare. He removed his hand from the elevator, finally allowing it to close.
The waited for the elevator door to close and once they heard the click of the metal all bets were off. Stiles wishes he knew who went in first but they were both quick to the kiss. Stiles finally got his hands on the suit, running them over the white button up. Bucky backed him up against the wall cornering him. They slotted together like the perfect jigsaw puzzle, their thighs colliding together in a way that produced the best type of friction. With this new sensation Stiles was practically humping Bucky's thigh, the kiss started to become more frantic and needy. Stiles remembered that his hands were in Bucky's suit jacket, he realized that he had been trying to get his button down off this entire time. Stiles blushed when he came to this realization, he was halfway there and the shirt had become untucked. He broke apart from the kiss gasping for air, apparently he also didn't realized that his lungs were giving out on him. Bucky continued the needy kisses on his neck, no doubt leaving a massive hickey.  Stiles just lifted his head and enjoyed at as he provided air for his lungs.
"I've ...- missed- you... so much-", Bucky spoke in fragments as he kissed all over Stiles' neck.
Stiles intended to responde with something romantic but all that came out was, "Hnngh" in the form of a moan.
Stiles was too far gone and he need to be out of this hallway like yesterday. He did not want to come in his pants in the middle of the Avengers tower. Stiles begged, "-Bucky"
Before he could finish his sentence the disembodied voice spoke.
" Tony has told me to inform you that you are in a hallway.", JARVIS said.
Bucky groaned in annoyance pulling away from Stiles neck , "This may be shocking to him, but I'm well aware of that."
He still remained pressed up against Stiles.
"You have got to be kidding me. I get an alert that a couple is having sex in the hallway and it's you guys again.", Tony's voice now filled the hallway.
Bucky flipped off the ceiling, "Fuck you Stark. We are not having sex in the hallway."
Tony Stark continued, "Ben N Jerry's don't you have somewhere to be? Can you not keep your hands off of each other for one second?"
Bucky peeled himself off of Stiles to prove a point, "Fine, there. I'll go to the stupid fucking meeting."
And then there was silence. Stark must have gotten distracted.
Stiles gave Bucky a quick once over, now that they weren't glued together. It was not great.
"I hope you don't plan to go looking like that" , Stiles laughed out. Bucky glanced down at himself. Bucky even knew that he looked ripped apart. His shirt was halfway off and he looked like he had just got run down by a stampede. Not to mention the tent in his pants, that was hard to miss.
"Shit", Bucky cursed as he tried to straighten out his suit. After a while he looked halfway presentable. Bucky looked back at Stiles like he was tempted to stay there with him.
"Call me later. I know you've got busy stuff going on. Let me know when it's all over so we can finish where we left off.", Stiles have him a sweet kiss after he spoke. The kiss lasted a little longer than intended and was far sweeter than anticipated.
Bucky pulled back, " Ill call you at 10. If anyone gets on the way I'll fucking stab them. Bye Stiles."
Maybe Stiles feels a little guilty for the thrill that sends down his spine.

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