Stiles and Bucky - Part 4

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Okay so apparently now Stiles was in a Safe House, because somebody wanted to kill him. Or at least that is what the SHEILD agents told him.
All he knows is that this morning he woke up to a panicked Bucky who was dressed in his hero wear. It was way too early in the morning to actually understand what he was saying but next thing you know, Stiles was on a quinnjet heading to the most secure place in New York.
The house was not like any other safe house he had seen on spy shows. On the other hand, it was way nicer than Derek's dingy underground safe house. This one was a lot homier, for a safe house it seemed oddly lived-in. Also it was cleaner, no angry rat friends.
It wouldn't actually be that bad if not for the fact that he was all alone, other than the solemn guards posted outside his room. They weren't much for conversation. Also they took Stiles' phone, said that it was 'not safe' for Stiles to have a phone. Meanies.
So yeah.
Stiles brain was melting from boredom. Stiles could just barely read the analog clock on the wall that indicated him only have been here for 5 hours.
Stiles was starting to wonder why this was the longest 5 hours of his life. He could easily spend 5 hours playing games with Scott when he lived with his Dad. Now he was stuck flipping through channels on an old school TV that produced a very high pitched hum when it was on. He would have been entertained if not for the thought of Bucky fighting a dangerous threat.
When a knock finally came from the door, Stiles nearly jumped out of his skin and transformed into a mole creature. He felt lucky that the guards didn't seem to have any emotions. Immediately after laying eyes on Bucky, Stiles flung himself towards his boyfriend, disregarding how Bucky looked like an absolute mess. Although Bucky's disheveled appearance, Bucky didn't hesitate to reciprocate the gesture. He was almost reluctant to let Stiles free of his heavy embrace.
Stiles joked at Bucky's enthusiasm, "Okay Bucky, Maybe loosen up the hug a bit. I've got soft human bones."
Bucky let go of Stiles with lots of hesitation.
"They could have hurt you. I didn't even hear them break in. I'm so sorry, Stiles" Bucky face was filled with remorse, as if he had done something wrong.
The look of shock and confusion in Stiles's eyes was clear. It's not like Bucky had invited them in for a nice cup of tea, what did Bucky have to feel sorry for? But it was obvious that Bucky felt useless against the late night sneak attack.
Stiles stroked Bucky's arm comfortingly, "There is no reason for you to feel sorry. You did everything you could. He came in the middle of the night, Tony Stark could even stop him."
Bucky took in Stiles words, although he still felt that he could have done something more.

"No need to feel bad, Bucky", The lady voice in the corner mocked. They barely had time to turn and face the intruder before she spoke again, "You wouldn't have stood a chance against my technology anyway"
Bucky grabbed hold of Stiles arm forcing Stiles behind him. He then pulled a knife out of his belt. The woman smirked at this response and flicked her short brown hair off of her shoulder. She sure didn't look like a villain. She dressed more like a librarian.
"What do you want from me?", Bucky asked threateningly as he held up the knife at the woman.
"'What do you want from me' , do you really have to ask that? Or has Mr.Winter-Soldier really forgotten all about his dark and murderous past?"
Bucky sighed deeply, "I'm sorry, I really am. But- he's- that guy's not me. Not anymore."
The woman's anger flared up, "No! You don't get to say that! Not after all the people you killed. Do you even know how many daughters there are without mothers? Husbands without wives?" The silence filled the entire room, Bucky didn't truly want to know. Knowing would be worse than anything he could imagine. The woman laughed cynically at the newly found quietness in the room, "Then you don't get to act like nothing happened."
Bucky took a step towards the woman, she snarled in return.
"I am truly sorry for all the lives that ended at the hand of him.", Bucky said sympathetically. Horrified. Crippling remorse.
The woman's face literally turned red with anger before she was gone. Literally disappeared in thin air. Stiles considered for a second that it was a hologram, but Bucky tightened the grip on Stiles' arm.
"No! You'll pay for all the people you killed, Bucky Barnes", the woman's voice spoke from directly in front of them.
In the blink of an eye Bucky was gone too. He disappeared just like that woman. The grip on his arm was gone and Stiles couldn't feel the warmth of his body. Stiles tried to feel around for the possibility that he had just gone invisible like that woman, but Bucky was nowhere to be found, or at least Stiles could feel him.
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck", Stiles mumbled in succession and increasing panic.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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