First Valentines Day - Sterek

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I actually meant to post this in February but I just finished it, because of all this Free time I suddenly have.

Today is Valentine's Day and Stiles figured that today would be fabulous considering he now has an extremely hot and out of his league boyfriend to spend it with. At first when deciding what to get Derek for Valentine's Day he figured a good piece of lingerie and some chocolate would suffice, but recently Derek has been dead set on not getting any further than a kiss- and when he means a kiss, he means a measly peck. So this Valentine's Day he would have to think outside of the box. He planned weeks before with Deaton to make sure he got the perfect gift.
It was a ring- almost like a promise ring- but it had a triskelion on it. But it wasn't just a normal ring, he had Deaton help him lace the ring with Derek's scent. Derek had been scenting stiles every time they met and Stiles could tell because Derek made it very obvious. This would solve that problem- so would sex, but Stiles was willing to wait. He also got Derek one.

Stiles was prepared for Valentine's Day, that is until some type of Cupid creature injected Derek with a sort of truth serum

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Stiles was prepared for Valentine's Day, that is until some type of Cupid creature injected Derek with a sort of truth serum.
Derek had been out chasing this creature with Scott the night before Valentine's Day and all Stiles heard of the incident was, " Derek got shot with an arrow in the back. He's healed but he says that he doesn't want to see you right now." It was extremely vague and very upsetting. It's Valentine's Day there is no way that he was gonna spend the whole day like he use to spend it, alone at his house watching Rom Coms. So he decided to go see Derek anyway.
He stopped in front of Scott's door, pondering for a second if this was really a good idea. He was genuinely worried about Derek but also mad at him for ditching. It was a bad combo of emotions, but Stiles couldn't care less. He knocked on the door regardless. Scott immediately peaked his head through the door and immediately shut it after 2 seconds. Stiles heard Scott mutter a quiet," Shit." Through the door. And not shortly after he heard Derek yell, "IS THAT STILES? LET HIM IN, I MISSED HIM SO MUCH!!" Stiles chocked a bit and a light blush covered his face, Derek had never been up front about his emotions and this was the first time Derek admitted to missing him.
Stiles banged his fists on the door demanding to be let in. Scott took a few second before deciding to let him in. Stiles tried to walk past Scott to see Derek but Scott put up his arm to block his path. " Before you go in there I think you should know a few things. For starters, Derek May or may not have a very strong truth serum running through his veins right now. And he may or may not be chained to the bed- don't judge I didn't know what else to do. Deaton is on his way." Stiles opened his mouth to say something but he didn't even know where to start his questions. Scott removed his arm and shoved Stiles in Derek's direction, "Now go see Derek before he chews off his arms."
Stiles took a few moments to regain himself wondering what just took place. He gathered his thoughts and jogged to Scott's room. The first thing he saw was Derek, tied to the bed by his hands and he was missing a shirt. This had to be a dream, one of Stiles BDSM fantasies involving his very sexy boyfriend.
"Stiles, get me out of these chains please.", Derek pleased and Stiles noticed another important factor, Derek's eyes were glowing and he was almost fully transformed. Stiles ran for Derek at this point, Derek usually doesn't transform.
He placed his hand on Derek's cheek trying to get a better look at Derek's eyes. "Are you okay?"
Derek tried his best to lean forward and grab Stiles but the chains stopped him. "I'm good Stiles, So good.", Derek muffled through his fangs. "Please get me out of these chains."
Stiles immediately was on Derek, trying to pull apart the chains but he soon realized that he needed a key. Derek was seemingly growing impatient too. He growled low, "Hurry up!"
"I'm trying my best here.", Stiles whined back at Derek. He then turned to the side to yell for Scott, "SCOTT! I need the keys!"
It took a few seconds for Scott to come tumbling into the room groaning, "I'm a werewolf Stiles. You don't need to yell."
Derek growled loudly at Scott, "Be nice to him."
"Whatever.", Scott muttered and moved his hand out to give Stiles the keys as he continued to talk, "Just take the stupid keys."
Stiles grabbed the keys from Scott's hands and moved back to Derek, he also heard Scott scrambling to get as far away from them as possible. Stiles moved back over to Derek and unlocked one of his hands. As soon as that hand was unlocked he reach forward for Stiles and moved him into a kiss. As Stiles expected it was only a peck and Derek pulled away after to say, "I've missed you so much."
Stiles sighed, disappointed and moved to unlock the other hand. "I missed you too, Derek.", Stiles replied as he finally released Derek from the chains. Stiles didn't have any time to think before Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles. This was new, Derek was not really a hugger. Then Stiles realized Derek was also very much happy to see him, if you know what I mean. Stiles used his arms to pull Derek away from him, "Derek, why are you hard? What have you and Scott been doing?"
Derek opened his mouth to speak but Scott beat him to it by yelling, "Don't drag me into this. It was all him."
Derek huffed at Scott for interrupting him then looked back at Stiles to respond, "Scott started talking about you then I started thinking about you.", Derek spoke like it was casual for him to get hard just thinking about him.
Stiles eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What were you thinking about?"
"Oh I was just thinking about gripping your neck as I pound into you all night long and how you would beg me to stop but-."
Stiles chocked on air before he could force out the words, "Stop, oh my lord stop. You do realize Scott can still hear you and he is probably throwing up as we speak." Stiles gently guided Derek onto the bed as he spoke. Stiles then thought about what Derek said and he didn't realize he had asked the question that had been burning in his mind, "So you only want me in your fantasies?" Stiles couldn't help but be offended, was real Stiles worse than imaginary Stiles? Imaginary Stiles probably had a six pack and flawless skin.
Derek stopped Stiles train of thought by placing a rough hand on his thigh. What Derek said made Stiles stop breathing for a second, "No- god no. I want you in real life. Fuck- what I would give to just tear you apart right now, you would be screaming my name. - but I can't , I promised I wouldn't." This only confused Stiles more. Promised?
"And at that, I'm leaving! I'm probably gonna bleach my ears while I'm at it!", Scott yelled, horrified at what he just heard.
Stiles released a small laugh but immediately focused back on Derek. "You promised? Who did you promise? What did you promise? When did this happen?"
Derek randomly sneakers in a little peck before answering, "I promised your dad when we first started dating that I would wait until you were 18."
"That's the reason you won't put out? I thought you just didn't want me like I want you, which I am totally fine with you being asexual.", Stiles ranted out of relief.
Derek laughed at that, "Believe me, I want you." He said as he placed Stiles' hand on his ridiculously hard dick. Stiles could help but gasp at that and give it a firm squeeze. Derek moaned lowly, "Oh shit." Then lifted Stiles' hand away from him and sighed, "No- I want that so badly- but no. Oh Fuck, Stiles- and I would give anything to have it be your hand stroking me."
Stiles couldn't suffer Derek's dirty talk any longer, he lunged for Derek and pressed his lips firmly against Derek's. As they kissed Stiles pressed the palm of his hand against Derek's chest, he could feel Derek heartbeat. He then slide his hand back down the his member Stiles then pulled away from the kiss and started gingerly pressing kisses along Derek's neck and whispered a question, "Are hand jobs okay?" Derek didn't give Stiles an answer he just whimpered and thrusted his hips into Stiles' hand. "Just imagine it being my mouth..." Stiles paused when he heard Derek whine for him, "or my tight hole." Derek almost screamed when Stiles gripped onto his dick tighter, but instead he let out a loud, open mouthed moan. Stiles then unzipped Derek and shoved his hand inside his jeans. When Stiles felt Derek's thick dick jerk in his hand he could help but whimper in anticipation. To keep anymore voices from escaping he dove his head into Derek's neck and began placing small kisses along it as he started on Derek with slow strokes.
Derek groaned, "You are so good, Stiles."
Stiles couldn't stop his hips from bucking at the sound of Derek's praise. It caught him so off guard, Derek isn't usually the type to give Stiles any praise, and Stiles is finding that he loves it. He grips Derek tighter, mostly by accident, and Derek moans into Stiles neck. Stiles can hear him faintly mumbling something into his neck, "Mine, Mine, Mine," over and over.
Stiles thought it was cute, so he moved to give Derek a kiss, to confirm to him that he is his, but Derek wouldn't budge from his neck. He settled with just kissing his cheek. He then went back to the main event and unbuttoned Derek jeans so he could finally see what was underneath. After reaching into his boxers and pulling him out Stiles nearly jumped, he didn't realize how big Derek was in his hand.
He spoke more in amazement as he traced the length of Derek with his finger, "Woah Der, You're so big! You're huge!"
Derek preened into Stiles' neck, "Yes, all yours, Stiles." He then pushed Stiles down onto the mattress. At this point he realized that Derek was becoming more wolf like by the second and he also realized how hot he was in beta form.
Suddenly he heard something he never likes to hear, especially now with his hand wrapped around Derek fully prepared to finish him off. The sound of police sirens. He jolted back from Derek, which didn't really do much because Derek was on top of him. Derek whined from the loss of touch, "Stiles, please. You are so good. I'm so close just- please."
Stiles was half tempted to just carry on and ignore everything else, knowing that he probably won't get this opportunity for a while. But then came the sound of the front door opening. Quickly, Stiles pushed Derek off from on top of him. He knew for sure now that it was his dad, seeing as he is the only officer that has a key to Scott's house. He looked back at Derek to see him  sitting against the head board with his dick practically throbbing against his belly. Stiles moved to cover him, so that he was now sitting in between his legs.
He suddenly felt Derek's dick heavy on his back and before he could even think about it he pressed his back flush against Derek, causing him to moan in surprise and bury his head back into Stiles neck.
Then the door opened, and Sheriff Stilinski flooded the room. When his eyes met Stiles he was taken aback, and Stiles smiled awkwardly, "Hey dad. What are you doing here?"
The Sheriff then fixed his eyes on the limp half naked body behind his son, " Scott told me that there was something wrong with Derek and I came to back sure you both were okay."
"Everything is fine. We're fine. Don't worry about us. I've go-" Stiles rushes out before his dad interrupted him.
"I don't believe you. Derek, Are you okay?", Sheriff asked Derek, who was currently just rubbing his fangs against Stiles' neck.
Derek lifted his head up from Stiles' neck but before he could say anything Stiles blurted out, "He's good. Everything is fine. Don't worry about us. We are-"
"Stiles, I wasn't asking you." The Sheriff gruffed starting to get angry. "Derek what's going on here?"
Derek answered this time, "We are great, Sheriff. Stiles was just stroking me" Stiles silently gasped as he pinched Derek's leg as to get him to stop talking. "It was so good. I was so close. Stiles is amazing."
"Shut up, Derek!", Stiles hissed as he now hit his leg to get him to stop.
Derek now turned to Stiles with a smile, "You are amazing."
The Sheriff was so surprised by what Derek said that he was speechless, normally Derek is very respectful.
Luckily Deaton cleared things up as he entered the room, "Derek is currently infected with some sort of mixture that persuaded him to always tell the truth. It persuades him to act on any desires he has."
The Sheriff nodded and tore his eyes away from his son and onto Deaton.
"Is he gonna be okay? Is it poisonous?" Sheriff Stilinski asked worriedly.
"From what I can tell he should be okay I just have to give him the antidote and he will be back to normal." Deaton inferred to the both of them.
Out of nowhere the sound of a phone ringing fills the room. The Sheriff reaches into his pocket and glanced at his phone after pulling it out. "Damn, I have to go. I hope Derek will be okay. But after this is over we need to have a talk. That includes you too Stiles." He spoke briefly before he left the room in a hurry.
Stiles visibly relaxed back into Derek. It took him a few seconds to gather his thoughts again before turned to Dr.Deaton, "So where is this antidote?."
The vet reached into his bag to pull out a small tube with clear liquid in it, that looked kinda like water. " Okay so to administer the antidote you need to rub it into the area that he was shot. After the antidote is administered correctly it shouldn't take long to start working."
Deaton handed Stiles the antidote and made sure that he understood what needed to be done before leaving the room. Stiles has to admit he will miss this Derek, the Derek that praises him, and loves to be around his boyfriend. It was a quick thought before turning to Derek, who was zipping his pants back up. When his eyes caught Stiles' he smiled and kissed him briefly. Stiles pulled back with a smile, "Okay, where were you shot?"
Derek moved to pull down the side of his pants and at this point Stiles saw the hole in his jeans there. He then took the lid off the tube Deaton gave him and warned Derek, " This May or May not hurt."
Derek nodded prepared as he starred at Stiles when he spoke. The moment Stiles' hand started rubbing in the mystery serum Derek hissed as he flinched at the pain. Stiles look up at Derek apologetically. But the hissing only lasted a few seconds before Derek stopped making noise and looked down at Stiles, seemingly surprised. When he saw what Stiles was doing he jumped back and grumped, "What are you doing?"
At this point, Stiles stopped and removed his hand from Derek's hip. "You don't remember?", Stiles questioned.
Derek started at Stiles confused and he noticed the space between them, which was very littler, so he moved away from Stiles then responded, " The only thing I remember is hunting in the woods with Scott and I was shot with an arrow, then... then..." Suddenly Dereks face sunk and he let out a big sigh before continuing, "Fuck, I remember. Sheriff must be so pissed."
Stiles shrugged, "He'll get over it."
Another realization came over Derek in that moment causing him fly off the bed and away from Stiles, "Fuck,  Stiles I- Fuck, I almost bit you. I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm so sorry."
Stiles shot up from the bed surprised and faced Derek who looked like his brains was about to explode. He took a step toward Derek as he tried to calm him down by Derek took a few more steps back until he was against the wall, " Derek, It's okay. I can assure you it was consensual. I wanted it just as much as you."
Derek eyebrows furrowed, "I almost bit you.", he repeated.
Stiles took one more step toward Derek , "I know Derek. I know you wouldn't do anything I wouldn't want." Derek relaxed at this.
After a few seconds he spoke up, " I'm sorry. I ruined our first Valentine's Day. It's my fault. I shouldn't have went out with Scott. I was just stressed. I didn't want to mess it up.", Derek spoke with his head in his hands.
Stiles quickly moved to Derek and placed his hand on his head as to check his temperature. " Are you sure that truth serum is completely out of your system?" , He joked.
Derek removed his hand from his forehead and growled at Stiles' joke.
While his guard was down Stiles placed a peck on Derek before backing out and gazing into Derek's eyes. "You didn't ruin Valentine's Day. There would be no Valentine's Day without you. You're perfect."
Derek dove in for another kiss and then a hug. He took a large whiff of Stiles' neck before saying, " I love you."
Stiles pulled back abruptly, " I think the antidote didn't work. We need to call back Deaton."
Derek growled as he pulled Stiles back into his embrace and Stiles laughed into his neck.
"I love you too, Der."

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