Derek has a big what...?-Sterek

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Stiles has always heard of people mentioning Derek's dick size and never really thought much of it. But now that they are dating that is all that he thinks about. Every time he sees Derek he cants help but let his eyes float down to his crotch. Though he doesn't see much, he can't help but be curious. So he has decided that after a month of wondering the size of his cock he has to ask. And if that doesn't work out he can see it himself.

He really didn't want to ask him to his face, to avoid embarrassment. He decided to just text him, at 3am on a Wednesday.
How big is your dick?
Derek was already awake for some strange reason. When his phone rang his brows crossed in confusion to why anybody would text him at 3am on a Wednesday. Then he saw his boyfriends name spread out against the screen. He picked up his phone and chocked on his own saliva when he saw he message.
How big was his cock? Derek didn't even know his size. Without even thinking he messaged back.
Have no idea. Wanna come over and measure it for me?
Stiles jumped when he heard a loud ding from his phone. He looked down and what he read nearly broke his poor virgin mind.
He sat for a couple minutes and imagined measuring his dick. Derek was kind of worried because Stiles wasn't responding and he usually responded at record speed. So he decided to call him.
Stiles literally fell off the bed when he heard the sound of his phone ringing. He was too deep into thoughts of Derek's dick. He stared at his phone thinking if he should answer it or not. He pulled the phone up to his ear after answering the call.
" Stiles...?", Derek muttered into the silence of the night.
Stiles gathered his thoughts so that he could respond. " Uhh- I , Yeah-... I mean, Umm... Yes Derek?"
"Calm down Stiles. Breath for me.", Derek knew that stiles can get worked up about things and go into a panic attack. After stiles taking a few short breaths he continued," Anyways, what brought on the question? Why are you so curious about the size of my dick?"
Stiles took some breaths as he thought about how he could word what he was about to say," Before we started dating-I , Umm. I would hear people talk about your - uhh- size all the time. And we haven't done anything since we started dating, so I never really got to see your- uhh, size. I'm just curious. "
Derek took in all the information coming from stiles' mouth and not even a few seconds later responded," Well, stiles . I am Little more endowed than normal people . And if you wanted to see my dick all you had to do was ask. "
" well can I see your dick?", Stiles asked immediately after.
"Uhh- right now?", Derek questioned. Stiles stayed silent, he didn't even know if he wanted to see his dick right now. Derek took the silence as a yes," Well- I mean. Sure. Let me just..." the sound of rustling came" I'll take a picture. Though I'm not hard right now." Stiles still was silent afraid that if he said anything it would ruin the moment. He heard the sound of a shutter from a camera and not a minute later the photo was sent to his phone. Though he was afraid to look he couldn't help it. And then he saw it. And boy was it big. He wasn't even hard. " Stiles...?"
Stiles stared at it a few seconds longer, he couldn't help it. But when he heard his name he spoke with a slight whine when he said Derek's name," Derek...." he cleared his throat," I - Well, - Umm- that is ... nice..."
Derek chuckled roughly. But when he heard stiles whine his name he couldn't help but get a little stiff. " thanks"
Stiles went back to the picture did Derek's cock and put his phone on speaker phone. He couldn't help but rub his crotch while he stared.
And after a while he forgot Derek was even there and that he could hear the entire thing.
As he looked at the phone and rubbed his aching crotch, he couldn't help but moan out," fuuuuck... Derek."
Derek spoke up," Stiles...?" His voice was rough and struggled.
Stiles immediately stopped and gasped, just now realizing that he was on the phone with Derek. " Stiles...? "
Stiles spoke up," Yeah..."
" I want you", Derek's voice echoes through the phone. It was so rough. " like right now."
Stiles whined," Derek...mmm" Stiles was still rubbing on his dick at the sound of Derek's voice. Stiles chuckled, " can I still measure you?"
Derek smiled at the phone," you can do whatever you want to me."
Stiles smirked. Derek continued," I'll be at your house in 5."
Stiles immediately interrupted," No, my dad is home. Meet me two houses over. I've always wanted to make out in your car." He night has said that last part in his sexy voice. Hell Derek didn't even know that stiles had one.
Derek chocked up," fuck stiles. I didn't even know words like that were in your mouth."
Stiles chuckled," I can think of a few more things I want in my mouth."
Derek was rushing for he keys as he responded," yeah?"
" Yup", and with that stiles hung up.
He put on his jacket and shoved the line that he kept in his drawer into his pocket. By now he had noticed how hard he was through his sweatpants.
He crowled out his window and snuck his way behind his house.
After running his way through a couple of houses he noticed a black sport car speed down the road and hilt to a stop right next to Stiles. Stiles opened the door and saw Derek's huge boner from his boxers. He has unbuttoned himself and his dick was sticking out of his boxers.stiles wanted to badly to see it in person.
He shoved into the car. Derek glanced at stiles for a second then a second time noticing that his boner was visible through this sweatpants. Derek muttered," I don't think I can make it to my house.
Stiles smiled and placed his hand on Derek's thigh, extremely close to his crotch. Derek spud off in the direction of his house.
He rubbed his thigh from the outside to the inner thigh and muttered knowing that he could hear him,"slow down."
Derek eased up on the gas and placed his hand on Stiles' and he said," your rubbing the wrong area." Then moved stiles hand flat on his crotch. He worked his hand, squeezing and rubbing his crotch. Stiles felt the warmth and stiffness that his cock provided.
Stiles decided to tease Derek a little," is this what an alpha cock feels like?"
Derek's eyes rolled to the back of his head in pleasure and nearly drove us off the road. Derek's hands flew to the steering wheel and his eyes shot to the road. Now that his hand was gone from stiles'. He decided to take matters into his own hands. He gropped Derek's dick slowly and roughly. Then moved down to his balls and played with them through his clothes. Knowing now that Derek liked dirty talk he whined out," I want you in my mouth Derek Hale." He also just so happened to know how much Derek liked hearing his name come out of stiles mouth.
Derek growled out to express his frustration. His teeth had grew out from his gums. Little did Derek know how much this turned his boyfriend on.
"Fuck Derek. Stop the car.", Derek could smell the increase of arousal coming from stiles. He pulled over on the side of the road.
As soon as he put the car in park, stiles dove in and shoved his tongue in his mouth. He stroked his tongue over his fangs and Derek enjoyed every second of it. Derek dragged his hand down the front of Stiles' shirt and nearly reached inside of his sweatpants but stiles grabbed his hand, stopping him from doing so. He was kind of self conscious of his body after seeing just how gifted Derek really was.
"It's okay if your not ready for this. We can go slow." , Derek reassured.
"It's not that- god no- you have no idea how long I've been wanting this. It's just that, I've seen your body. And my body is so much worse. I have stupid moles. I don't have your abs. I'm super pale. I'm not at all attractive."
"Baby...", Derek spoke before being interrupted.
" don't Baby me."
Derek kissed stiles on his cheek before talking," number 1. Your moles are stupid they are sexy and adorable and I love them. Also I love your body. You don't know how many nights I spent just thinking about how many things I wanna do to it. You are attractive in so many levels. I knew when I first met you 2 years ago that you were the one for me."
Stiles had tears running down his face, he didn't know why but all he knew was one thing... the mood was ruined.
" Fuck I'm sorry. I ruined the mood with all my soppy stuff.", Stiles said wiping the tears from his face.
Derek gave him a simple peck on the lips then spoke," your perfect, Stiles. Let's get back to my house so we can cuddle."
After a few minutes of silent in the drive to his house," Can I still measure you?"
Derek broke out into laughter and nodded.
They go out of the car only to be confronted by Peter who waited on the front porch.
" Really Derek? First your masturbating every fucking night moaning out ' stiles, I'm gonna fuck that tight hole of yours'. now your sneaking out at fucking 3am to have sex with your little boyfriend", Peter spat at him only taking one breath.
Stiles burst out laughing," your gonna fuck my tight hole??" He could barely talk though his laughing.
" oh trust me. There is more. 'I'm gonna knot you full of my pups-"
Derek cut him off," I think that's enough"
Stiles only laughed harder from Derek's embarrassed look. " No- please continue."
Peter smiled and decided to obey stiles," oh this one night when he was drunk he said some fucked up shit like ' show daddy how much you love his cock' "
Stiles was laughing his balls off at this point. He hit Derek on the chest" fuck Derek. You're a creepy basturd."
Derek finally spoke up," okay enough of that. Let's go inside"
Stiles nodded with a smile and wrapped his arm around Derek's torso.
They arrived in the house only to find literally the entire pack waiting for them.
They all shouted," congratulations. Stiles is no longer a virgin boy."
Stiles shrunk behind Derek kind of embarrassed.
Derek suddenly felt really protective," You came here at 5am just to shout at my boyfriend!! Get the fuck out of my house!"
They all flinched but Peter spoke up," come on Derek. They were just trying to have a little bit of fun."
Stiles cling to Derek's back as Derek growled at everyone. Stiles whispered,just loud enough for only Derek to hear," calm down. I was just really hoping to become unvirgined tonight."
Derek chuckled at stiles, which caused the whole pack to look at him like he's mental.
Stiles took Derek's hand and Derek enthused to the crowd," Well let's go get some drinks."

After getting some drinks they all sat down in the living room, stiles sat on Derek's lap and he could still feel his soft dick through his pants, yet another reminder of how big his dick is and how he didn't get to see it.
" so, spill the beans. How did it go? Did you really have sex in the woods?", Lydia questioned us.
Stiles looked around the room and stared at all the faces waiting for an answer. Stiles stayed silent as Derek answered for him," It was great. And no we didn't have sex in the woods. We did it in my car."
The pack had different reactions. Most of the pack where commenting on how hot that would be but the rest was grossed out.Stiles was happy that Derek didn't tell them the truth, that Stiles freaked out and they ended up not doing anything. To show his appreciation, Stiles turned sideways on his lap and snuggled into his chest and placed a small peck on his lips. The whole pack shared awws as they watched the couple snuggle. Stiles loved the feeling of Derek's chest against his face, so hard and warm.
Suddenly malia asked," So how big is Derek's dick?"
Everyone literally chocked.
Derek spoke," Ehh Malia-"
Stiles interrupted," Soooo fucking big. At least 10 inches. I'm gonna measure it myself tonight.", He said the last part winkin at Derek.
The end, but I'm gonna add this part since I kept mentioning it.
"Are you really gonna do this?", Derek asked worrily.
"You promised me.", Stiles responded. He then pulled Derek's soft dick out of his pants and pressed the cold measuring tape against it. His cock twitched without even noticing it. "Stop, dont get hard yet."Derek nodded and stiles finally spoke ," 8 and a half inches when soft. Shit that's bigger than me."
Stiles then stroked his hand on Derek's cock attempting to get him hard. " Come on big guy." Stiles gave a peck to the tip before getting back to stroking it.
Knowing that Derek doesn't produce much precum he reached down into his pants and took some off his into his fingers. Then went back to stroking him. This time Derek grew pretty hard and mumbled," oh fuck, that smell"
Stiles chuckled and decided that it was a good time to dirty talk," You wanna knot me full of your pups?"
Derek hissed at that.
Stiles continued," do it. Fill me with your knot. I want you to fill me up. I want to have your pups. Knot me, Alpha." He knew that alpha was one of Derek's trigger words. And now Derek was fully hard and leaking with precum.
Stiles pulled out his measuring tape and measured the length of Derek's hard cock. " shit Derek 12 inches. Your cock is a foot long."
Derek was stroking his cock not even paying attention. He suddenly let his kinky side slip through," Stilesssss... I'm gonna cum on that pretty little face of yours. All over your fucking moles."
With out warning cum spurt all over Stiles' face and Derek moaned out," Fuuuck, Stiles. All over your fucking face."
Derek breathed a couple breaths enjoying his orgasm before looking down at stiles' face only to see all his cum covering his face. Derek gasped," Shit stiles, I'm sorry. It's a wolf thing."

Enjoy blahhhh

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