Derek....The Model??? - Sterek

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Okay so Derek is a Male model in Las Angeles. Stiles just got out of college and is on vacation with his friend, who ditched him to go partying. Derek and Stiles somehow found each other with a mutual attraction.

Stiles POV

How dare they. I work my butt off at college so I can graduate with them and what do I get... a group of friends that leave me all alone.
I groaned out loud. All I wanted to do was spend time with them, without the whole clubbing thing. But I was stuck alone. I guess I have to make the best of what I have, I thought as I walked outside my hotel room. Though, I wasn't really paying attention and I slammed into someone. And pretty hard at that. It cause the person to drop everything he was holding. Shocked, it took me a second to look up at the person. But as soon as our eyes connected, I couldn't look away. His eyes where hazel. I studied each speck of color in his eyes. I then noticed that he was doing the same, weird. I moved on to the rest of his face. Oh. My. Lord. He is so sexy. He had a beard and cheekbones and silky hair and....the list goes on and on. And if I thought about it any longer I would start to grow a little something.
He then spoke with a smile on his face, so charming," I- umm, my name is Derek."
I gasped as his rough yet smooth voice hit my ears. Awkwardly I responded with a chucke and an awkward," Stiles... my name-S-Stiles. That's my name."
He smiles down at me causing my face to darken from embarrassment.  I then looked down and noticed the dozens of pictures scattered on the floor. They were all of him. I dropped to my knees and gathered the photos into one stack before shuffling through them. They were gorgeous. Dozens of shirtless pictures of Derek. And I was loving them. " Umm- wow. These are-... amazing. You are gorgeous." I said the last part without thinking.
His face lit up and his smile brightened," Thanks, Stiles. Your not too bad urself."
I got back up on my feet and gave him back his photos. He took the photos from me and smiled before walking past me. Was he leaving?? I don't want this to be the lats time I see him. So I turned slowly and yelled for him," Uh-Umm, D-Derek??" He turned to face me after hearing his name. I then continued," Could I get your number actually??"
I smiled a large smile at me before walking up to me. Awkwardly, I reached for a pen in my back pocket and grabbed his arm before asking," Do you mind if I write my number on you??" He shook his head with a low chuckle in his throat. I then started on writing my number, letter by letter. Then it happened. I messed up, I wrote a 4 instead of an 8. " Shit.",I muttered under my breath and immediately dove my mouth onto his arm. I dragged my tounge over his vein covered arm, then used my finger to smug the original number out. Then I smelled something that I had not noticed before, he reeked of alcohol. But I wasn't that surprised, this is New York. I quickly finished writing my number.
" Listen, Stiles. If you are free right now, would you like to swing by the bar and grab a drink.", Derek stared into my eyes as he spoke.
I was afraid he would ask this. Well I hope he wouldn't mind what was about to come out of my goes nothing," W-Wel-l, I'm-.... I would love to- but... I'm actually severely allergic to alcohol..."
Derek took a step back and frowned as he looked to the ground, he seemed to be thinking quite hard. His eyes then snapped up at me and he spoke," Shit, I'm sorry. I had quite a lot of drinks just a second ago-"
I quickly interrupted him," I'll be fine. We'll not unless you plan on kissing me.-" I paused and looked up at him as he quickly glanced at my lips then back up to my eyes. Seeing this, I decided to continue," But I would love to hang out if you are free."
He pulled his hands from his face and smiled at me. He then replied," I would love that. Would you want to hang out in my hotel room?"
I glanced up at him and nodded. He then guided me through the hallways to his room, which was actually a couple doors down from mine.
He walked up to his door and I suddenly noticed him struggling with the key. I noticed as he attempted to put the key in the hole but failed everytime. I then stepped in," Woah looks like someone's a little tipsy."
" Yeah the alcohol must be finally kicking in.", He mumbled as I opened his hotel room. I handed him back his keys then gasped at his room. It was only a couple doors down but it was so much nicer than mine. Derek walked in after me and placed the keys on the table next to the door. He then spoke, kind of drunk," You go sit down. I'm gonna go get some water, I might be more drunk than I think."
I looked back at him and asked," Do you need any help?"  He shut me down but I then noticed him stumbling. Wow. I grabbed him by the waist to hold him up then started to get curious," Are you sure somebody didn't sneak something in your drink?" He tried to focus on me but I could tell it was difficult. I carefully placed him down on the floor, then ran to get some water. I scanned his hotel room then found the kitchen. In the fridge I found a bottle of water. Quickly taking it, I ran back to Derek. When I found Derek I gasped at the sight I saw. He had his hand down his pants and seemed to be jerking off himself underneath them. I tried to move myself to stop him, but I did was stand where and watch him as his head rolled back. I then knocked some sense into myself and yelled at him," Stop that." As I ran over and pulled his hand out of his pants.
He then looked up at me and pouted, " But I'm soo hard right now." Jeez, why is God punishing me.
I took a deep breath trying to ignore the erection I was developing ." Listen, Derek. Drink some water. Then I'm gonna move you to the bed." Derek obeyed and chugged down half of the water, before handing it back to me. I placed it on the table near us then helped Derek to get up from the floor.
Derek gasped when he tried to get up," Fuck, I can barely move my legs."
I sighed and continued to use all my strength to drag him 10 feet to his bed. I shoved him onto the bed with a big sigh as I panted, trying to catch my breath. I then turned to go get the water but I was pulled to the bed by Derek whining," Don't leave me, Stiles."
I was pulled to his chest, meaning my back was pressed against his whole front side...meaning I could feel Derek's hard pressing against my back. I groaned inwardly. Then I heard a loud ringing, causing me to jump. It was my cell phone. I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, immediately answering it. Suddenly Derek thrusted his hips upward into my lower back, as he did this he released a silent moan.
" Stiles?", Scott's voice echoed through the phone.
It took me a second to realize that Scott had spoken, seeing as Derek was currently thrusting on me. I then conjured up a word as a response," y-...Ohh, Yes, This is Stiles."
" Well listen Stiles we are gonna go out for some food. Do you want to come along?"
I groaned out loud, knowing that I would probably end up watching over him the rest of the night," Uh, No."
Derek decided to make noises at this time, as he thrusted against me. I quickly flipped onto my stomach and covered his mouth with my hand. But to do this my crotch was now touching his.
" Umm, Stiles. Are you feeling alright?", Scott asked, concerned.
" No actually, I have a stomach ache. Talk to you later though.", I rushed out, then hung up before Scott could say anything.
Derek kept on humping me though. And I was definately feeling it. I leaned my face into his neck and started to nibble on it in order to stop from moaning. This went on for a couple minutes. Until  I was fully erect. By then it was taking everything in me to stop from kissing him. Our breaths exchanged in lust. But I couldn't kiss him. It was pure torture.

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