Sneaking Around- Steter

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Stiles POV
I grabbed his face in my hands and pressed his lips to mine. My hands roamed his large biceps as his explored my hips and ass. Both his hand crashed down on my butt causing me to moan into has mouth creating an opportunity for him to enter his tongue in my mouth. As his tongue explored my mouth i began to hear something in the distance. The voices of Scott and Kira were heard from the other room. Causing me to pull away and cover his mouth, by instinct. Peter bit my hand. This made me hit him lightly on the face.
The voices then came back. Scott's voice was the first heard," I dont know why we are here. I searched for Stiles everywhere. Why would he be at Derek's house?"
Kira's voice answered," Stiles has been missing a lot. And we have all suspected that Stiles was dating Derek."
Peter let out a small growl at this. He hated how everyone kept asking if his boyfriend was dating another guy. Peter would get so jealous.
Peter trailed kisses along my neck which eventually led to sucking and nipping. I hit him on the chest, trying to get him to stop. He reluctantly kept kissing me neck.
Scott then said," I smell him here. Its like he is here right now."
Thankfully Kira spoke up," He's clearly not here. Come on let go to his house and tell his dad that he's missing."
As they're voice got further and further away Peter began to get more aggressive. His hands moved back to my butt and massaged me roughly. I shoved my head in his neck trying to silence my moans until they were further away.
I counted to ten until after they shut the door until I shoved Peter off of me.
" Peter, we are suppose to be staying low. I can't believe you.", Stiles yelled at Peter who lazily plopped down on the chair.
Peter asked," Well, what are you gonna do? Punish me?"
I stumbled with my words, surprised at what Peter had said," W-W-E-LL. Y-y-ye-s!"
As soon as Peter heard this he jumped up and grabbed me by the shoulders as he exclaimed," Are you joking?! Deja vu. I had a dream like this. Please tell me I'm not dreaming."
Stiles tried to fit a word in," P-Pe-."
" No, Shush. Don't say anything. Please, just do this...for me?"
Stiles blinked rapidly and walked back a step with his mouth open in awe. He then spoke," W-Wel-l, I mean, sure...?"
Peter jumped in the air in excitement and ran into another room as he yelled," You stay right there and I'll be back."
I stood there dumb founded and waited. Soon later Peter came out with nothing but a speedo and a black collar with a leash. I gasped in arousal as I watched Peter's abs flex along with his biceps, my dick certainly didn't hate the sight. Peter walked up to me and slowly grabbed my hand and placed the leash in my hand.
I gulped as I pulled on the leash a little to test it out. This caused him to moan out," Fuck, Yes."
" Peter, If I'm going to do this then I Am In Charge. Rule 1. Don't Curse." Peter nodded eagerly but thats not I wanted so I pulled on the leash again as I demanded," Excuse me. Rule 2. Always respond with Yes, Sir No, Sir."
Peter hummed in content then responded," Yes, sir."
I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips before saying," Good boy." Peter smiled in content as he looked up at me. I soon continued," Get on your hands and knees. And tell me. Where do you keep the whip?"
Peter was so aroused he was speechless and he seemed to not hear what i said. So I hit him quite hard on the butt. This straightened him out. He immediately dropped to his hands and knees and spoke clearly," I-umm- The whip is in the kitchen, under the sink, behind the windex"
I got on my knees to his level before leaving to say on thing as my hand lifted his head up to my face which was centimeters away," Rule 3. No touching yourself." I leaned in for a kiss but just to tease I pulled away before our lips could touch. This caused him to growl which made me move close to his ear and whisper in a low voice," be a good boy." Before I got off my knees I hit his butt a little harder than before. He jolted forward from shock and because he was aroused he was a little weak and sensitive.
I soon walked out of the room and headed for the kitchen. While on my way to the kitchen I began to hear sounds, but i ignored them. Who was gonna be a Derek's house anyways, Derek has no friends. I crouched down to the sink cabnets and reached behind the windex and grabbed a hold of what felt like a whip. Suddenly I heard a voice pop up from behind me," Stiles? What are you doing in my house?"
Hearing this caused me to immediately stand up and hold the whip behind my back. I stuttered out," D-DERE-K, w-w-what are yo-u d-doing he-here?"
" Uhh this is my house. What the fuck are you doing in my house?", Derek said intimidating me. I was still trying to come up with an excuse when Derek then asked," What are you holding behind your back?"
I was now getting annoyed. All I wanted to do is spend the afternoon with my boyfriend. WHY IS THAT SO HARD?! Without thinking I yelled very demandingly at Derek," STOP. Stop asking all these questions. Now, Here is what i want you to do. I want you to go hang out with Scott and make up some excuse to why i have been missing. AND YOU BETTER BE DAMN CONVINCING BECAUSE IF I HAVE TO COVER UP YOUR FUCK UP THEN I WILL TAKE THIS WHIP I AM HOLDING BEHIND MY BACK AND WHIP YOU ACROSS YOUR FAVE WITH IT!" Derek whined and dropped to his knees as he showed his neck as a sign of submission. "NOW!", I demanded and Derek scurried out of his house.
I sighed kind of annoyed but tried to bet over it. I didn't want to take my anger out on Peter. I made my way back to the living room only to see Peter perfectly on his hands and knees like i instructed.
I smiled and leaned down to peck his forehead as if saying good job.
I then toughened up and yelled," Now tell me. What did you do wrong?"
Peter whimpered in excitement at my tone. He soon answered," I have been a bad boy."
I replied in a thick demanding voice," good. Now tell me what you did to deserve this and how many times I should whoop you."
Peter immediately responded," I disobeyed you and fondled you in public. I deserve 10."
I chuckled and concluded, " You deserve 20 but I'm gonna let you off easy this time with 15."
Peter whimpered," Yes, sir."
" Are you prepared?"
Peter gulped before answering," Y-Yes, Sir."
The first strike came down a little harder than I wanted it to. Peter accidentally moaned out," Aargh. Fuck, Stiles."
I growled out at this," You broke 2 rules. 5 more added and Your not gonna cum tonight."
Peter whimpered kind of upset," Yes, Sir."
" Start counting. And don't you DARE miss not one.", I said both upset and disappointed that he already broke 2 rules. But I know I was being too harsh on him.
I striked his ass yet again. This time not as hard as the one before and Peter's voice said clearly," One, Sir"
I smiled, proud of my boy. I then hit him again and he spoke clearly again," Two, Sir."
This continued until 10. As soon as I hit him the tenth time. He whimpered from arousal but still managed to say," T-Ten, Sirrr."
After ten I decided that he needed a break before we continued. I got on my knees and removed his speedo. This he flinched at. I shushed him," It's okay we are going to take a little break." His speedo was around his thighs as I pushed my hands up to his butt and massaged him. He leaned against my hands without realizing it. When he noticed he immediately pulled away and was about to apologize but i cut him off," Its okay, speak your mind and you can relax."
Peter seemed to calm down and I went back to massaging him. Peter took this opportunity to speak," h-har-der." I smiled and worked my fingers against his ass. Peter humped back on my fingers and before he knew it break time was over.
I pulled away and immediately Peter straightened up and I pulled his speedo back up. I then started back without warning.
I hit him the 11nth time. This time his voice was still a little choppy," E-El-e-ve-n-n, Ssir."
He continued his choppy counting until after 18 when he suddenly yelled, before I started on 19," SSSIR! Please stop I'm going to cum."
I stopped myself from snapping at him for this, instead i decided on something else. I crouched down to his level and went against his ear and I intimidatingly whispered," Listen, If you can make it through 2 more without cuming then I will allow you to come later, on my circumstances. BUT, If you cum while I'm punishing you then I will start all over again and I will give you the best blowjob ever but you will not cum tonight or tomorrow. Or you can just walk away now and not cum at all tonight and if you even think about jacking off then I will start seeing your nephew for my sexual needs. So you tell me, which are you gonna go with? Option 1, 2 , or 3?"
Peter's entire body shivered under me and he whimpered out," Option 1, Sir."
I smiled and got back up on my feet as I went back to whooping him but these last two I hit him much harder than before.
I striked him for the 19th time and his body jolted forward a bit and his hands and knees where wobbling as they looked as though they would give out any minute now. His voice erupted through the room," N-ni-nighte-en, ssssss-ir
And the final strike was the hardest one. I hit him and his whole body trembled under me. He whimpered out quickly happy to finally be done with them," T-twenty, Ss-sir."
I smiled at him and immediately went in front of him and lifted his face up only to see that his eyes where nearly closed and his face was pail. He looked like he was about to pass out. I quickly rolled him over onto his back and panicked," Oh My Shit, Peter. Are you okay? I knew I was too hard on you. I'm so sorry."
I dive in for a hug and Peter's arms wrapped around me and whispered in my ear," Stiles, Your so perfect. All I know is that I am so fucking horny right now. "
I smiled but then glared at Peter for cursing. Peter shut up immediately and whimpered. I spoke," Peter, your okay...for now no punishments. I don't think you can handle them yet." I chuckled and then continued," Okay, well. We have to get going. So put your clothes on."
Peter whimpered again and grabbed my hand and placed it on his hard throbbing dick. It was so hard I could feel the veins through the speedo. Feeling my hand pressed against his dick caused his to moan out," If you keep it there any longer Im going to cum."
I quickly removed my hand and shook my head," No, Peter, I said later. I understand your hard and all but just wait a little longer. For now we have to get out of Derek's place before he comes back."
It took us about ten minutes to clean because somehow got his pre-cum on the floor. During that whole time Peter was Moaning thing like," Oh how I would love to bend you over right now and make love to you on this kitchen counter." And " Stiles if I don't fuck someone and something right now I'm going to hump this couch and cum all over it. "And it eventually got aggressive and sexual. " Stiles If my dick is not in your hole in the next 2 seconds I'm going to put my dick in this sink."
fortunately everytime Peter tried something I scolded him and sometimes spanked him with my hand which seemed to only make him hornier.
And we walked out with all of our things and Peter was fully dressed. We made our way towards the car and I shoved all of mine and Peter's things in the trunk before getting in the driver's seat. Peter hopped in the car kind of upset and very very horny. And trust me, I could tell, he had a gigantic tent in his jeans that was incredibly hard to miss. I started the car and headed onto the road. Peter huffed and turned against me. Trust me I had a plan. I wasn't just going to leave Peter all horny and on his own.
We were nearly 5 minutes into the drive when I found the perfect place to stop. It was a perfect passage way into the forest and on its way to the old Hale house. Peter began to notice where we where and he immediately perked up," Are we going to have epic car sex?"
" No.", I responded in record time. Peter huffed again and faced away from me. He was acting like a child. I soon rolled the car to a complete stop and pulled the keys out of the car. And continued, " We dont have time for sex but since you have been waiting so patiently I thought you deserved some sort of reward."
Peter jumped back to look at me with a huge smile on his face. I said one last thing before getting out of the car," Meet me in the backseat."
Peter was kind of nervous but made his way to the back seat. I walked around the car to his side on the back seat. Peter sat waiting for me and as I drew closer Peter held up his hand telling me to stop," W-Wait, remember last time you tried to give me a blow job- I came way too early and I didn't warn you then you started choking and it caused your dad to come in all worried and when he saw me in your room on, your bed he shot me three times and I passed out. Which made them take me to the hospital-"
I pressed my fingers up to his lips to hush him," Baby, That was almost 1 year ago. We are all alone." Peter nodded still afraid.
I then pulled Peter up with me and out of the car. I soon began to take off his pants as Peter let out a very shake breath. When the pants came off I was about to work on the speedo but as soon as I felt Peter's dick throb against my fingers I became distracted. My fingers massaged his dick through his speedo. I looked up at him only to see his eyes pinched shut and his legs were giving out.
So I pushed Peter back onto the seat. His body lay on the entire back seat. I then pulled his speedo down and off of him entirely. By doing this, Peter's dick sprung from his speedo and hit his abs. I gasped at this. Peter spoke up from this," Stiles I don't think I can do this. Just you staring at it is about to make me cum."
I frowned," Peter your gonna do fine!"
Just as I spoke I decided it was a perfect time to start. I grabbed him with my cold fingers, causing Peter to gasp. I began to move my hand carefully. But i then decided thats its now or never. My mouth dive in and began licking and sucking Peter's tip. Peter moaned loudly, from being caught off guard and involuntary lifted his hips from the seat causing another inch of his dick to go into my mouth. When his hips went back down to the seat I bobbed my head back up to his tip then back down and downed another two inches, as his dick reached the back of my throat. I used my tongue to rub against his dick as I bobbed my head and slowly but surely got the whole thing down my throat. I deepthroated him for a couple more bobs before going back up to the tip and worked my magic. I then went back to deepthroating when I heard Peter moan," I'm- St-i-iles, I'm GGONNA C-Cum."
But I kept at it and continued deepthroating him. After a couple a seconds I felt Peter grab my hair and pull me off of his dick. Suddenly strings of cum erupted from his dick and most of it ended up on my face. Peter's breath was still acting like he was running a marathon. He soon sat up and his eyes landed on my face. Peter gasped," I am so sorry." But I could see his dick harden in the corner of my eye. I looked down at his dick then raised my brow to Peter. Peter questioned," Ummm, Do we have enough time for a round two??"
Okayyy thats it for now

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