Asexual Derek- Part One (Sexting)- Sterek

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This includes lots of Sterek Texting so if you don't like texting in fics then you can skip this one.
Also Derek isn't really Asexual (don't trash on me)
He's just afraid to have sex after all of his partners didn't turn out good.
This isn't a fic of me dissing Asexual ppl
I'm just tryna get Derek to feel the love
Having an asexual boyfriend is very hard sometimes, especially if your a teenage boy. Derek's asexuality is understandable considering how every woman he sleeps with ends up almost getting him killed. But for Stiles it's just hard. Dating Derek is like having a piece of cake sitting in front of you when you haven't eaten in a week. Plus Stiles is pretty sure Derek can smell his frustration. He has to masturbate at least three times a day to reduce his sexual frustration, and it doesn't help that Stiles is a teenage boy. Besides it's not like Derek can't get hard, it's just that Derek doesn't like sex. It's driving Stiles up the wall.
Stiles decided to question Derek while they were snuggled up on his couch. Derek was reading and Stiles was just enjoying his warmth.  Stiles spoke up, "Can I ask you something."
Derek continued reading because he was far into his book but muttered under his breath, "Yeah."
"Why did you want to date me?", Stiles asked in a calm voice but he noticed that Derek immediately reacted by lowering his book. So Stiles rephrased, "I mean- Why did you ask me out?"
"Stiles, I love you. Not everything is about sex. Why are you bringing this up now?", Derek answered wanting to look Stiles in the eyes but he rejected his gaze. Stiles didn't want to answer the question, he was far too embarrassed "Is it because I won't have sex with you?" Silence yet again. "Stiles, I know how you feel, trust me I do. It was a lot worse when I was a teenager. Werewolf teens are hard to satisfy. But I just don't think I can sleep with you without remembering everyone I lost. I don't want to lose you too."
Stiles crawled up to Derek's face and placed a light peck on his lips, mostly to shut him up. "You won't lose me," Stiles conferred, "If it's what you want then I don't need sex. I get plenty of action from my right hand." He laughed at his own joke awkwardly. he starred at Derek's gaze tempted to give him another kiss but didn't want to push his boundaries. Derek pulled Stiles' face in with his hands and pressed his lips on his partner's. The kiss was brief and left Stiles wanting a very intense make out session afterwards. Stiles sighed and sunk back down into Derek's hold.
Stiles decided to ask another question, "So, do you just not want to have sex with me? Is jerking off together out of the question?"
"It's not that I don't want to have sex with you, Stiles. It's not you. It's me. And I don't think us masturbating together is such a good idea. Knowing you, it will probably lead to sex."
"So you probably won't let me suck your dick.", Stiles offered subtly. Derek's pants liked that idea, giving a good noticeable twitch that Stiles immediately noticed.
It took Derek a while to collect himself, "Stiles- I - Well- S-sti-les- that's not a good idea."
Stiles was surprised at how wildly he reacted to the idea. He definitely pushed the line with that question. He pulled away from Derek, not wanting to push him even more, and spoke as he got up from the couch, "Calm down, Derek. I'm gonna go home. You should drop by in a couple of hours."
Stiles luckily looked back to see Derek nodding in approval just before grabbing his book, covering his crotch, and bolting out the room. Stiles suggested 2 hours because it would give him enough time to jerk off then clean him room of all the smells. Unfortunately, he didn't make it to his room. In fact he only made it to the car. He unbuttoned his jeans to give his dick a little breathing room then just decided 'fuck it' and finished himself off in his car, wiping the cum on the bottom of his shirt. But what Stiles didn't realize was that Derek heard it all. He finished himself off after hearing Stiles whine when he came into his shirt. At first Derek was tempted to warn Stiles that he could still hear him but by the time he realized what Stiles was doing he could tell that he was close and Stiles would be so angry if he had interrupted him. So, instead, he sent Stiles a message after he heard him climax.
From Derek
I can hear you
Not a second later he got a response from Stiles.
From Stiles
Stiles slammed his head on the steering wheel. How could he forget about his werewolf boyfriend and his superhearing. He didn't even know what to say. What do you say to your asexual boyfriend when you practically jerk off in his ear.
From Stiles
I'm so sorry 😣

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