Don't get me arrested- Sterek

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Derek usually gets hyped up around full moons if you know what I mean. Right now they were in a restaurant with the entire pack celebrating taking down some evil pack. Everyone was there, Peter, Erica, Boyd, Isaac, Scott, Derek, Kira,Alison, Jakson, Lydia and Stiles. It took multiple tables to fit them all. At this moment they were waiting for their food but all Derek could focus on was how delicious Stiles was starting to smell.
Derek's hand suddenly swept under the table and found itself on Stiles' thigh. Stiles jumped a bit and his gaze shot to Derek, but everyone was too distracted to notice. Derek smirked at Stiles then looked back at the pack, acting like he was paying attention, but his hand said otherwise. He began to move his hand towards Stiles' crotch slowly as he squeezed and palmed.
Stiles was so out of it he didn't he a question that was directed towards him. His eyes shot up and noticed that everyone's eyes were on him. "Huh", he remarked, utterly clueless to what he had just been asked. Derek chuckled at this and momentarily his hand stopped its slow descent to Stiles' now hard dick. Scott fortunately found Stiles constant state of confusion funny so he just laughed it off and continued with the ongoing conversation with the pack. Derek, on the other hand, was intent on getting a reaction from Stiles. So this time instead of inching towards Stiles' crotch he just roughly gripped it, causing Stiles to almost moan, but instead he just placed his forehead in Derek's shoulder, to hide his face from the pack hoping they didn't notice. But considering that Derek was still palming at him relentlessly it was safe to say that no one noticed. Stiles was now rock hard and if the pack wasn't so distracted they could easily see what Derek was doing to Stiles under the table. Stiles desperately wanted out of this booth and in a quiet place where he could be alone with Derek. Stiles looked up at Derek, hoping to catch his gaze, but Derek was too busy acting like he was actually apart of the pack's conversation. So Stiles muttered lowly under his breath, "Derek". It was the type of breathlessness that Stiles only exhibited in the bed and it definitely caught Derek's attention, as well as a few other pack members. Derek's head jerked to Stiles and his hand retreated, knowing that some pack members were looking their way now. To throw them off he placed a kiss on Stiles head and the pack members quickly looked away. Derek stared into Stiles' eyes for a bit, acknowledging that Stiles desperately wanted to leave but Derek shook his head. Stiles huffed and looked down, away from Derek. Suddenly Stiles noticed the big tent in Derek's pants. Stiles smirked to himself, two can play this game. He placed his hand on Derek's deep inner thigh, close enough to be touching his dick. He felt Derek's posture stiffen so he took this as a sign to continue. His hand worked smoothly on Derek's now throbbing erection. Derek finally decided to speak up, "Yeah guys, we should probably go."
Everyone looked towards Derek and said their goodbyes, but Derek stayed silent as Stiles hand still rested on his hard on. They quickly scooted out the booth and made a speedy exit.
When they made it to Derek's car he had pushed Stiles against it, no longer being able to hold in his arousal. He pressed his lips against Stiles and kissed him roughly. Stiles gripped Derek's belt and pulled him close, leaving no air between them. He felt how eager Derek was as his dick throbbed and twitched for more. Stiles kept his hand on his belt and now began to try and work it off of him. When the belt was finally undone Derek felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked over to see a police officer with his arms crossed, thankfully it wasn't Stiles' dad. It was deputy Parish. Derek quickly turned and covered Stiles body.
"Are you guys serious. Just take this somewhere else before I have to arrest you.", Parish said angrily.
Derek undocked his car and opened the door for Stiles before quickly making his way towards the driver side. When in the car, Derek started to laugh unable to hold it in. Stiles groaned, "I don't see what's funny. He could tell my dad."
Derek immediately stopped laughing but reached over and pecked Stiles. "Don't be so uptight." Stiles was not gonna settle for a quick peck, he dove forward and moved his lips against Derek's as the kiss began to move into something very sexual.

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