Stiles and Bucky - Part 2

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"Excuse me?", Stiles asked, he must have misheard because for a second it sounded like he was asking him to live in the Avengers tower.
"I'm asking you to live in the tower, kid. Keep up.", Tony Said with a smirk on his face.
Stiles was speechless, mostly because he had no idea what to say. He was still mostly in shock. He reached out and gripped Bucky's arm, he was wondering if any of this was real. He could barely fathom dating The Winter Solider now he was going to stay in The Stark tower with The Avengers. He was starting to feel a bit lightheaded. The grip on Bucky's arm tightened.
"Woah", Stark exclaimed as he reached out to grab Stiles' arm. "Don't faint on me. James perhaps you should let Bruce take a look at him. Make sure Steve didn't cause any damage."
Stiles perked right up at that, if there is anyone he admired more than Tony Stark it was Dr. Bruce Banner. Stiles yipped, "Yes, That's a great idea! We should go see Dr. Banner. I'm feeling quite sick, sicker by the second actually." Stiles coughed comically loud.
Tony chuckled, "I guess it's settled then. Grab your things, there's a car waiting for you downstairs." And then Tony was gone. Like literally. Vanished into thin air.
Stiles jumped a few feet in the air out of sheer excitement. "Oh My God! Was that a hologram? That is the coolest thing I've ever seen!" He turned to his boyfriend with a wide smile, "Did you see that? One minute I was talking to frickin Tony Stark the next 'poof' he's gone."
Bucky laughed at Stiles hyperactivity before meeting Stiles' gaze. He suddenly realized something that caused him to quickly avert his gaze out of embarrassment.
"Listen Stiles." Bucky mumbled. "I apologize for I attacking you like that. I didn't intend to rush you."
Stiles cleared his throat in order to cut the thick atmosphere of the room. He then grabbed Bucky's metal arm, causing him to look up immediately. Stiles spoke softly, " I would be lying if I said I was an unwilling participant. I forgive you Bucky."
Stiles noticed how Bucky's gaze shifted to his lips and he knew in that moment exactly what Bucky wanted. Stiles moved to grab Bucky's shirt using all his strength to pull him in for a kiss.
"Damn you're strong." Bucky mumbled after pulling away.
"Next time I'll let you feel me up" Stiles said with a wink. Bucky verbally choked. Stiles burst out in laughter.


After a long night sleep, It didn't take long for Stiles to pack up his stuff. The only difficult part was hiding all his werewolf shit from his boyfriend. He really had no choice but to take it with him. Plus he didn't want to be caught with him pants down in a sticky situation. So he cleverly hid it in a box that said Stiles' Toys. It had to be something that his roommates would not go snooping in. And Scott would get a big laugh out of it every time he would come to visit, which is not much.
But regardless, he haphazardly threw it in the back with his other crap.
And after a not so short drive through New York City, they were there. The Stark Tower. In all it's glory. Stiles had dream of visiting this place. He had only ever walked past it and now he was inside of it.
They entered through the parking garage, as to avoid any unwanted attention.
Bucky wrapped his arm around Stiles before they exited the elevator. To their surprise there was a small group waiting for them to leave the elevator. A handful of Avengers were there, including Steve who stared exclusively at Stiles.
There were a few seconds of awkward silence where everyone would stare at Bucky's boyfriend and Stiles would avoid Steve's stare.
Bruce was the first to approach the couple.
"I heard Steve really jostled you."
Stiles smiled weakly, "He certainly put the fear of the Holy Ghost in me." He spoke as he recalled the incident. But upon meeting the gaze of Dr. Banner he smiled his brightest smile. "But I really am you're biggest fan Dr. Banner. I read about your work in molecular Cryo-Genesis as it pertains to structured neutrons and may I say, I thoroughly enjoyed it."
Bruce's face was shocked, his eyes wide open. "And You understood it? You look 14 years old."
"He's 19.", Bucky finally spoke up.
"16 actually.", Stiles chipped in. The entire room froze and Bucky dropped his arm from around Stiles shoulders. "I was 16 when I read it."
Bucky laughed out loud and not long after everyone followed. Mostly because it was a rare occasion to see Bucky happy much less laughing.
"Alright then Stiles, follow me so I can check you out."

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