Chapter 22

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Amy stretches her arms out and looks at her boyfriend laying next to her and hears a small cry come from the bedroom. She walks into it to see Sophie sitting up looking at Allison who was crying. They were officially 9 months old today. "Alli what is wrong?" Amy asks her small daughter. She looks around the condo and sees her son peek his head into the room.

"Good morning John," she tells her son.

"Good morning," he says bringing his cubby fists to his eyes. Allison evently stops crying and starts sucking her thumb while opening her big dark brown eyes to look at her mom.

"Good morning Allison," Amy cooes to her. Allison let's out a small giggle.

Sophia out stretches her arms wanting to have attention too. Amy sets Allison down and grabs Sophie so she can have equal amount of attention. "Good morning to you too," Amy kiss the top of her head.

"Good morning," A voice says from the doorway. Amy looks up to see Ricky entering the room.

Allison's eyes light up as she sees her dad enter the room. She starts giggling. Ricky smiles before picking Allison up. "Allison likes me more apparently Ames," Ricky smirks kissing Allison's hair that was fuzz still sitting on the top of her head. Ali grabs Ricky's thumb and starts sucking on it.

"I am going to go her a bottle," Amy tells Ricky as she walks out of the room with Allison on her hip.

"So Amy are we going to work things out between us?" Ricky asks her. Amy shrugs her shoulders.

"I have been thinking about and I made up my mind. Maybe we should work things our between us. I mean I do love you," Amy says with a smile.

"So is that a yes?" Ricky asks.

"That's a yes," Amy declares giving Ricky a small kiss on the cheek. John walks into the room.

"I want juice," he tells everyone before sitting down in a chair.

"What do you say?" Amy asks him.

"I want juice!" He yells this time.

"John nicely please," Amy tells him. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine can I have juice please," John asks.

"Yes you can," Amy tells him filling up a cup with apple juice.

"I guess the temper tantrums are going to start," Amy comments quietly looking at Ricky.

"Yep guess so his age finally caught up with him," Ricky glances over at his inpatient looking son. Amy's phone beeps. She almost drops her phone.

To: Amy
From: Adrian
Me and Omar are getting married next week and I would be honored if you would be my bridesmaid.

To: Adrian
From: Amy
Of course I will be and congrats.

"Adrian and Omar are getting married next week," Amy tells Ricky. He raises an eyebrow.

"Now?" He asks. Amy nods.

"Well not right this second, but soon," Amy corrects herself. Ricky nods. Amy's smile soon turns to a frown remember Adrian telling her she had cheated on Omar with Ben.

"I need to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone," Amy tells him seriously.

"What is it this time your not pregnant again are you?" Ricky asks with his eyes widening. Amy shakes her head.

"A couple of weeks ago Ben and Adrian slept together," Amy tells him. He makes a disgusted face.

"They did it again," Ricky chuckles.

"Yep," Amy says simply.

"All that is left is for her to get pregnant by him again," Ricky says laughing harder. Amys face falls and she turns red.

"She is pregnant," Amy pips out. Ricky instantly stops laughing.

"Really?" Ricky questions.

"Yea," Amy let's out air. Ricky shakes his head.

"Do they know what a condom is?" Ricky asks Amy. Amy smiles again.

"You are such a hypocrite," Amy tells him.

"Who?" He asks her.

"Umm Ricky how did our three kids happen," Amy reminds him.

"Right forgot," Ricky laughs. They both fall into laughter.

INT: Adrian/ Omar's Apartment: New York

"Grace we need to talk now," Adrian says looking at the peppy blond sitting across from her at the coffee shop.

"About what?" She asks lifting up the coffee cup to her lips and taking a sip of the espresso coffee she had just gotten from the barista a couple of minutes ago.

"I did something horrible a couple of weeks ago," Adrian admitts. Grace sets down her drink and puts her full attention on her friend.

"What did you do?"

"I kinda cheated on Omar. Um okay not kinda. I did," Adrian says in a quiet voice.

"What?" Grace yells while coffee sips out of her mouth.

"Grace calm down," Adrian says under her breath while glancing at all of the people now looking at them.

"I'm sorry, but cheated. How could you cheat on him?" Grace asks her. Adrian covers her face with her hands looking ashamed.

"I know I love him, but I love another guy more then him," Adrian admitts to her.

"Who is Ricky?" Grace asks her.

"No are you kidding. I would never sleep with anyone's boyfriend," Adrian says before stopping herself. Grace rolls her eyes. "Sorry I forgot about that,"

"Yea you did, so if it wasn't Ricky who was it?" Grace asks her.

"Ben," she says with a smile. "And I think I may love him," she says smiling ear to ear with a sparkle in her eye.

"Aww. I think you do too," Grace tells her with a smile now plastered on her face.

"The only problems is that. I am getting married and I am not sure he feels the same way," Adrian sighs.

"Okay then ask him before it is too late," Grace tells her.

"Yea your right," Adrian says standing up.

"Thank you Grace I know talking to you would make me feel better," Adrian runs out of the room with a smile still covering her face

"I wished I loved Jack that much," Grace says with a pout face.

okay so how did you like it. I think it was a little rushed, but I am going to finish it before the end of March. Got it? Okay so my next chapter will be posted probably later this week then I will post chapter 24 posted on the 24th. Then I will have the final posted on March 31st about yay. Then this story will be posted and finished. Ha.

Ricky or BenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin