chapter six

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When I wake up, my head is buried in Owen's shoulder. It's not the most comfortable position to be in, but I have no idea how I ended up in it either. I gently roll over, trying not to hurt Owen in the process.

It takes me a minute, but I finally get in a position where I'm facing Owen. He's dead asleep. I don't think my moving around stirred him a bit.

I look over to see Charlie and Savannah in the exact position I last saw them in. Charlie still looked like a burrito, while Savannah was laying under the blanket I had put on her last night.

Everyone looked so peaceful. Not for long, though.

I checked my watch and launched straight off the couch, causing Owen to wake up in a frenzy. He looked around wildly until his eyes found me, and then he seemed to relax a bit. He gave me a confused look, and I showed him the time on my watch. He jumped right up off the couch and started to wake the others up.

"Guys!" he whisper-yelled, while shaking them. "We're supposed to be at set in five minutes!"

"Ugh, does it matter? Let me sleep, I'm comfortable," Charlie responded.

Owen attempted to rip the blanket away from Charlie, but because Charlie was in his burrito-like state, that plan backfired. Both him and Savannah ended up on the floor, groaning.

I think we all set records on how fast we got ready. We were all out of the building within about seven minutes after Charlie and Savannah almost broke their necks on our floor.

We arrived about ten minutes late. Not bad considering how much we did in such a short amount of time. I just hoped no one would care too much about it. Seems really bad on me, arriving late on my second day.

We did get a few side glances, but nothing too extreme, luckily.

My day was spent in the studio, rehearsing with Paul and other Dirty Candy members. I also got reunited with Kenny, which was nice. I once again ate lunch with Madison, Charlie, Owen, Jeremy, and Savannah, and once again arrived home when it was dark.

This slowly became my daily routine. By the end of the week, we had all of the choreography done for Wow, and Paul and I had started working on ideas for The Other Side of Hollywood. Shooting for Wow is scheduled for next week, which makes me super nervous because that will be my first shoot ever. Luckily, I know the dance like the back of my hand, considering I helped choreograph most of it. I got to see a sneak peek of the Dirty Candy outfits, and let's just say I'm very excited to wear them.

Charlie and Owen make Savannah and I's apartment their personal hangout spot. They're in there almost every night, though we haven't had any more sleepovers after the incident from Tuesday.

I also got to meet Jadah- the girl who plays Flynn- this week. She's just as nice and welcoming as everyone else has been. Both her and Madison never fail to make me laugh. The casting for this show could not have been any better, honestly.

I know it's only been a week since I've met everyone here, but they already feel like family. I've had friend groups before, but nothing like this. In my old friend group, I was always the one who wasn't invited when they hung out, the one who had to rush to the lunchroom table because if I didn't, no one would save me a seat. It's totally different with the JATP cast- they all make me feel included and needed. I've felt more at home here than I've ever felt anywhere else.

I don't miss home at all, because this already feels like home. I haven't communicated with my parents at all since I told them I landed safely. It makes me feel a bit guilty, but honestly, I don't miss them much. They were always hovering over me, waiting for me to mess up just so they could get mad at me. It's not like that here.

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