chapter twenty-four

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I'm in Owen's room, standing in between Savannah and Madison as Charlie tries to explain his insane plan for a prank on Owen. I don't know how I ended up getting dragged into this, but here I am.

"Okay, so I was thinking," Charlie starts.

"Dangerous," Madison whispers to me. We both start cracking up as Charlie shoots us a sharp look.

"I can hear you, you know," he snapped. "Madison has already put the idea in my head that we should wrap Owen's entire room with wrapping paper. I have another idea, though. What if we move my room into here and Owen's room into my room? And then wrap up his entire room."

"An interesting plan," Sav agrees.

"I'm gonna need all of you to help, though. Well, Jer too. But he'll be here later."

"Wow, Charlie, your idea is completely ridiculous," Madison says. "I'm in."

"I'm in too, but I'm not helping you clean your mess of a room. That's your problem," Sav tells him, and Madi and I nod in agreement.

"Deal. Jer should be here soon, I can talk him into helping me," Charlie says. "We only have a few days to do this- Owen is coming back on Monday. So that means we have today and tomorrow to figure all this out."

"Yes, I think we know how days work," Madison remarks.

Charlie ignores Madison's comment. "I'm gonna work on my room for now, you all can stay here and try to get things a little bit more organized. It's not bad, but we still need to have things together so that they're easier to move."

And with that, Charlie headed off to his room. There wasn't much for us to do in Owen's room, because most of his stuff was already organized. His bathroom was a different story, though. We spend most of our time working on that.

"Does anyone else think that Charlie is absolutely insane for making this plan? I mean, it's genius, but it's also insane," Madison says.

"Well, considering Charlie IS insane, it doesn't really surprise me," I laugh. "It's gonna be worth it when we see Owen's reaction, but I gotta admit, the actual process is kinda boring."

"True," Sav agrees. "Wish we could find some kind of love letter where Owen confesses his feelings to Jenny or something. Spice things up a bit," she says as Madison snorts.

"Yeah, because Owen writes love letters in his spare time," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Who knows? He could," Madison says.

"Well even if he does, they're probably not for me," I say as both Sav and Madi shake their heads, like I'm the most idiotic person on planet Earth. "In my defense, we're not supposed to be snooping around Owen's stuff. We're just organizing it so we can move it. Not trying to find nonexistent love letters."

"Hey, we don't know they're nonexistent," Madison smiles. "But we'll respect Owen's privacy. As long as one of you fesses up really soon about the feelings we all know you both have for each other."

"Why is this always the main topic of conversation?" I objected. "Let's talk about something other than me and Owen, please."

"Fine. Let's talk about the fact that we only have about two more episodes to film until we're done," Madison says, making me groan.

"Now you're just gonna make me sad, Mads," I say.

"Seriously, are you trying to make us cry?" Sav asks.

"Okay, let's change the subject again," Madison offers. "I say we need another girl's night. We can invite Jadah and Sacha again, and maybe even see if Carolynn can come."

"I second that idea," Savannah agrees. "I don't know when we'd do it, but yes. At least hopefully this time we'll be a bit more prepared."

"I'll talk with the others and see when works best for them, and I'll let you know," Madison says.

We continue to work and talk about random things that come to our minds until we're done organizing everything in the room. By the time we're done, Jer is already here helping Charlie with his room, so we all go to help, even though we swore we weren't going to.

We take a break to eat lunch and then get to work trying to move the stuff in Charlie and Owen's rooms. It took us several hours to get everything in the rooms switched, and we still had to put everything in its place.

By the time we finished organizing the bedroom, it was dark outside and all of us were starving. We still haven't switched the bathrooms, so we're saving that and the wrapping for tomorrow.

We had to say bye to Jeremy and Madison soon after we ate, leaving just me, Charlie, and Sav in Charlie's living room. It's weird because he's usually always the one in our living room.

"Do you guys think we're gonna get this all done by the time Owen gets back?" Sav asks.

"Oh, definitely. We switched two whole bedrooms today, we're unstoppable. Plus we have enlisted the help of both Jeremy and Mads."

"Owen is gonna be so mad at us when he gets back," I say.

"Maybe, but what does it really matter? It'll be like Christmas unwrapping his whole room, and it's not like he uses his room that much," Charlie argues, giving me a side glance.

"Fair, I guess," I reluctantly agree. I don't exactly want this conversation to go any farther.

Sav and I leave Charlie after a few more minutes of conversation, but we all agree that we're exhausted and need sleep for the day ahead. Savannah goes to bed almost immediately, but I still have a few things I need to do before sleeping.

First of all, I take a shower because I feel disgusting after moving a bunch of stuff all day. I change into Owen's hoodie once I get out, and I do have to admit that I like it just a little too much. It smells like him, it gives me a false sense of his presence.

I make strawberry milk before getting into bed, and I check my phone as soon as I sit down. To my excitement, I have a text from Owen asking if I was free to FaceTime. He sent it around fifteen minutes ago, but hopefully he'll still respond. I don't text back, I just click on FaceTime and wait for him to respond. He picks up almost instantly.

"Hey, bugaboo," he says as soon as it connects. "Wearing my hoodie, I see."

"It's comfy, I see why you like it so much," I smile. "How was your day?"

"Pretty good, getting a lot of quality family time in. I miss you, though."

"I miss you too. You'll be back soon enough," I try to console him.

"I know. It's bad because it's only been a day and I'm already missing all of you so much," he says.

"No, I totally understand. I miss you lots. I've definitely made use out of the stuffed animal you gave me. And the hoodie, obviously," I respond, gesturing down at the hoodie I'm currently wearing.

"I'm glad you like them. Hopefully your kitty can give you just as good of cuddles as I can," he smiles.

"Not possible, Owen. Nothing beats your cuddles."

"And nothing beats your cuddles, m'lady."

"I think I miss you just a little too much."

He smiles. "Bet I miss you more."

We continue to talk a bit more until I'm so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open. We exchange goodnights, and reluctantly hang up.

It doesn't take me too long to go to sleep. Cuddling up with my stuffed cat and being in Owen's soft hoodie may not be as good as cuddling with Owen, but it's still good.

strawberry milk // owen joynerWhere stories live. Discover now