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So... that's the end.

Y'all, I'm not gonna lie- this whole book started as a joke between me and my friend. He dared me to write a fanfic because I read them 24/7, and me, being me, said "bet" and had twelve chapters done in about a week. And I still haven't let him read it because I'm evil.

However, I've grown to love writing so much, and all of the support I've gotten has been so lovely. I can't thank all of you enough. And I may or may not have an idea for a new Owen fic... so would any of you be interested in maybe reading a new one from me? (btw it's out now- it's called "scared" if you wanna check it out!) Writing has become so therapeutic for me, I don't think I wanna stop now.

Speaking of therapeutic, I told my therapist about writing this and she told me that I'm filling it up with things missing from my life. That's stuck with me throughout the entire writing process, cause I find myself saying "man I wish I had that" a little too much. But hey, even though my life sucks most of the time, at least I get to experience happiness through these characters. And I hope you found happiness in this book too- hopefully it took your mind off of your struggles even if just for a few minutes.

Anyway, I'm rambling. I just wanted to say thank you all for your endless support, and that I love you all. And as one of my favorite people on Earth always says: you are all so wanted, so needed, and I love you all so much. Don't forget it :)

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