the beginning

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  

Primrose Beaufort was someone who only knew love from fiction. She was a girl who grew up alone and became accustomed to it. Being neglected by her house, she truly had no one. That was until a boy with piercing emerald eyes and a lightning bolt scar became set on finding out more about this mysterious girl.

Harry and Primrose had never really crossed paths, her being the rejected Slytherin and him being the Gryffindor hero. Their stories had already been written countless times before. A forbidden friendship. They were set up for failure right from the beginning.

However, everything changed when the boy bumped into the girl in the hallway. Her books falling to the floor, both going to retrieve them. Looking up hazel met emerald, their eyes forming a momentary barrier from the outside world. Time seemed to stop, background noise falling silent.

Primrose was the first to break the moment, muttering a quick thankyou before sweeping past him and disappearing around the corner. Harry however, stood there utterly dumbfounded.

Who was that girl? He wondered to himself. He could not recall ever seeing before. Deciding to forget about it and just move on with his day, he rid his mind of the brunette girl and continued on his way.

After that instance, the two teenagers found themselves catching each other's attention more often. Whether it be across the great hall at dinner or walking past each other in the corridors, they seemed to always notice each other.

After a week or so Harry had found himself searching for the girl wherever he was. Eventually coming to the conclusion that he wanted to learn more about her.

So when Primrose suddenly took notice of this boys' new infatuation with her, to say she was somewhat freaked out would be an understatement. Albeit after some time she found herself coming victim to 'the chosen ones' charm.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  

save me | hp

word count - 323

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