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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Harry was still distraught following June, the loss of his last true family member was taking its toll on him. He knew he still had the Weasleys, Hermione and Remus however that sense of hope for a real family had vanished through the veil along with his godfather.

His friends had noticed his change, the weak smiles, short conversations and the overall hollow gaze that his eyes held. They knew Harry needed time, they just didn't know how much.

Harry was starting to become sick of the pitying glances from his peers and teachers, he was getting sick of his friends acting as though he was going to break at any moment. He was sick of everyone treating him like a hero for taking down several death eaters and was sick of the constant condolences he was receiving from his fellow students. Harry knew it was his fault, it was his fault that Sirius died.

If Harry hadn't been so weak and had stopped Voldemort from getting into his head, then Sirius would still be alive. That thought stayed at the back of his mind constantly, whenever he spoke to Remus and saw the pain in his eyes from the loss of a best friend — maybe even something more — the guilt would flow right back through his body.

Harry was no stranger to loss. The loss of his parents, though he never got to know them has and will always affect him. Then having to watch one of his fellow classmates die, all because Harry had insisted that Cedric take the cup as well. However, the loss of Sirius was probably the worst one yet.

The mere shred of happiness that came each day with the thought that maybe, for once in his life he was going to get a family. The slight giddiness that came whenever Harry wrote to Sirius, due to the fact that he still was not used to having someone that he could turn to when in need. The loss of one of the last connections to his parents just made them feel even further away than before.

Sirius' death had the greatest impact because he had grown to love him. Harry loved very few people, never being able to let himself become attached to others as he was scared that they would be harmed. Those people included the Weasleys, Hermione, Hagrid and maybe even Professor Dumbledore. So after thinking that Sirius Black had killed his parents and was after Harry himself, the news that he was innocent and wanted nothing more than to be a part of Harry's life had been shocking to say the least. So Harry let himself become close to Sirius, he let himself care for him. Only for Sirius to be ripped away from him as well.

Two years. That was how long Harry had Sirius before he was gone. A mere twenty-four months. Sirius' death had made his fear of becoming close to people even stronger. Now more than ever was he trying to distance himself, remove the danger that came with being friends with him from everyone's lives. Sirius' death was something that had left Harry utterly fearful and in an incomprehensible amount of sadness.

Harry had been stuck in a state of melancholy since that fateful day. Since the day he lost his godfather. Since that day his heart had been grey. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

save me | hp

word count - 596

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