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'I'm not surprised you can't set sight

On how your life should be

Because our lives are largely shaped

By forces we can't see.'

- Ms Moem

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Primrose was walking aimlessly through the halls, no real destination in her mind. As she made her way out onto the grounds a female voice called her name.

'Primrose!' She turned her head to see Hermione Granger, she was seated with the two other members of their trio. She stopped walking and shot a short smile towards the group. Her attention was caught again when Hermione spoke, 'come and join us.'

Primrose looked curiously towards the girl before moving her eyes to the raven-haired boy next to her, his gaze had already been on her. He just nodded with a soft smile, so Primrose, against her better judgement, made her way over to them.

'Hello,' She said as she awkwardly sat across from Hermione, Ron was to her right and Harry to her left. The tree above them casted a slight shade over the area they were seated in.



'Hello Primrose.'

The three replied simultaneously. Hermione was the first to speak again, 'how are you?'

'I am well, thank you, and yourself?' The hazel eyed girl replied.

'Very well!' Hermione responded.

The four of them then sat in an awkward silence, no one knowing what to say. Primrose was considering just standing up and telling them she needed to go to the owlery or something just to eliminate herself from the situation.

A cough to her left caught her attention, 'so erm—do you uh—do you like quidditch?' Ron asked.

Primrose perked up slightly at the mention of quidditch. She had never been one for playing the sport however she loved to follow it. 'Yes, I love it actually. Although I'd never be caught dead riding a broom, I'm not really one for heights.' She blurted.

Ron smiled slightly, 'what team do you go for? I myself am an avid supporter of the Chudley Cannons.' He replied.

'I go for the Holyhead Harpies, Gwenog Jones is just incredible!' She answered.

'Harry and I play on the Gryffindor team, you should come to our game against Hufflepuff this weekend.' Ron suggested.

Hermione nodded, 'yes that is a great idea! You can keep me company, I am not one for the sport so I never really know what is going on!' She said.

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