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'if the sun was my moon

and the moon your sun

then maybe our stars would align'

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The cold breeze of December had started to fill the castle. Christmas decorations were being put up and buzz of excitement for the upcoming holiday was evident. Teachers had begun easing up slightly on their workloads, some, like Flitwick, were even doing Christmas activities throughout some of their classes.

Primrose was sitting in the Slytherin common room, surrounded by nothing but her thoughts. This was most likely due to the fact that it was one o'clock in the morning.

She was finishing up her most recent Astronomy homework, only to be interrupted by someone coming through the painting door.

Looking up she saw a disheveled, messy hair, tieless, Theodore Nott. He was panting, he had most likely just narrowly escaped Filch. She tried to sink further into the couch in hopes he might make his way right past her, however due to the fire still being alight and her books scattered across the table he had noticed someone was there.

The brunette boy then made his way over to her, flashing his signature grin as he plopped down onto the couch across from her. A smell of smoke trailing along after him.

'Beaufort, just the girl I had been wanting to see,' he said, immediately breaking her pretend form of focus on her homework.

Her head shot up, 'and why would you want to see me?'

He sat there for a while, his heavy breathing overshadowing any other noise in the room, 'I had a question for you.' Was all he said.

Primrose, being quite tired and ready to retire to bed, just nodded her head as a signal for him to continue. He quickly readjusted himself, sitting slightly more straight, and regardless of his questioning appearance the aristocratic, pureblood Slytherin shone through with his newly found posture and poise.

'Now, I'm not like Draco and his mates okay so don't take this the wrong way, but your mum is a muggle right?' He said slowly.

She sat up straighter now, giving her full attention to the boy. It was known by many that she was a halfblood but she was almost certain that no one besides the people she told knew which of her parents were a muggle.

'Well, yes she is, but why are you asking?' She inquired.

He cleared his throat slightly, 'I'm only asking because, well what about your father? Is he in the picture?'

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