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'girls like you

taste like coffee

on the tongue

of a tired soul.'

- r.h. Sin

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

After Primrose and Harry's little study session a few days ago, the duo had been meeting up to complete their homework together more often. Tonight was one of those evenings where the two were sitting in the back corner of the library, revising for their upcoming transfiguration test.

They had been learning about animagus' and were quizzing each other on the process of becoming one.

'Ok, so what colour should the potion be when it is ready to drink?' Harry asked, shielding the parchment from Primrose so she couldn't cheat.

'Oh — I know this one! Is it red?' She asked.

'Yes! You are going to ace this test.' He laughed.

She giggled slightly, 'Ok now it's your turn. What is the incantation you have to say each morning and night?'

'Er, is it "Animo Amato Animato Animagus"?' He guessed. Sounding unsure of his answer.

'So close! It's "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" don't worry though, you will get it.' She said enthusiastically.

They went on like this for a while longer, just like they did each night. Sometimes Harry would find himself staring at Primrose without realising it. Becoming infatuated with each and every word she spoke, her voice sounding almost angelic. After a little while Primrose would notice his intense gaze on her, meeting his eyes with a small smile upon her face. The two would laugh for a moment before going back to studying.

Harry's change of mood had been extremely noticeable since his study sessions. He would come back more upbeat and positive then he used to. His friends could actually have real conversations with him that didn't result in an argument.

It was refreshing for everyone to see Harry finally begin to heal. He himself was also aware of this change. He didn't always feel that pit of emptiness in the bottom of his stomach. The constant reminder of Sirius' death fading, only now being reminded of it when he was alone with his thoughts.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Primrose was sitting at the desk in her dorm writing a letter to her mother. She was filling her in on her newfound study partner.

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