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'I'm a person full of doubts,

and I doubt that will change.'

- Atticus

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Recently Primrose had been seeing more of Harry Potter. It was never on purpose, sometimes they would just happen to catch each other's eyes or pass each other in the halls.

They still had not spoken since their little run in from the other day. Harry had been slowly becoming more interested in the girl as of late. He would sometimes find himself searching for the dark haired girl who would usually be seen with her purple book.

Harry's friends had noticed the slight change in his mood, watching as he perked up slightly when catching sight of the girl. They had yet to bring it up, scared of him lashing out at them like he had been doing recently.

Harry had become fed up with not knowing who this girl was, so one Thursday afternoon when he saw her walking down the hall he caught up with her.

'Hello,' He said. She jumped slightly, his sudden presence frightening her.

She turned her head towards him, scrunching her eyebrows for a moment before replying, 'Hi?' her response coming out as more of a question.

'I don't want this to come off as rude, but I was wondering what your name was?' He said slowly, hesitant about his words.

She bit her lip slightly, staring at him. They had stopped walking now and were standing in the middle of the hallway. 'Primrose Beaufort. Yours?' She responded with a befuddled look upon her face.

Harry was slightly taken aback. Did she really not know who he was? He knew it sounded vain but almost everyone in the wizarding world had heard of him. Without realising, he smiled slightly. It was refreshing to not have someone say "you're Harry Potter" or "do you really have the scar" when he first meets them.

'I'm Harry, Harry Potter' He replied simply.

'Well Harry Potter, it was nice speaking to you but I must be on my way now.' She sounded somewhat annoyed, as though he had disturbed her whilst doing something important.

'But—' Before he could finish his sentence she had already started to walk off. Leaving him in the middle of the hallway. He felt a sense of deja vu from their previous encounter days before.

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Primrose had been confused after her encounter with Harry Potter. She was curious as to why the Gryffindor hero himself had been wanting to speak with her. However she decided not to dwell on it and moved along with her day.

She later found herself seated in the back corner at the library. She was sketching the group of first years that were seated on the other side of the room.

Suddenly to her left, a pile of books was placed beside her. Followed by someone sitting in the seat next to her. She turned her head towards this newcomer, raising her eyebrows slightly when she realised who it was.

'Hi, so I saw you seated here and I thought that I would come over to say hello.' The boy proceeded to say.

She sat for a moment, wondering why he had gone out of his way to come and speak to her. 'I don't mean for this to come off as rude, but is there a particular reason that you are speaking to me for the second time now?' She asked.

Harry looked shocked for a moment, 'Well, in all honesty I have not been able to stop thinking about you since the other day when we bumped into each other.' He replied, slightly embarrassed.

She only nodded, looking at him skeptically. 'So is that all you wanted to say?' She asked.

'No, no. I- I thought that maybe I don't know. It sounds silly when I say it out loud but maybe we could get to know each other or something?' He said nervously, moving his hand to scratch the back of his neck.

'You don't even know anything about me.' Her voice held a hint of confusion.

They both sat there for a moment. Primrose staring at the green eyed boy, trying to figure out why he wanted to speak with her. Was it for a prank? She could not fathom another reason as to why he was here.

He shuffled slightly in his seat, 'Well I would like to change that.' He said quietly.

Primrose sat for a moment, considering what he had just said. She was intrigued to say the least, wanting to learn more about his motives. Turning her body to face him, she said hesitantly, 'I am unsure as to why you would want to do that. I am a nobody Potter, just another Slytherin who Gryffindors like yourself are destined to hate.'

He sat for a moment before beginning to speak, 'I just— I don't know. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you.' His shoulders slagged, he seemed deflated. Quickly collecting his things, he stood up and with one last 'sorry' he began to leave.

Primrose just stayed where she was, watching as the boy left. She felt somewhat bad, a sliver of guilt spread through her as she saw the raven hair boy disappear through the doorway.

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Harry was embarrassed. He headed straight back to his dormitory after the failed attempt at talking to Primrose. He had only wanted to learn more about the mysterious girl. Her words had left him confused. She was correct. It was unusual to see a Gryffindor and a Slytherin getting along. An unspoken rivalry between the two houses had been in place for countless years.

But he was unable to rid his mind of the Slytherin. He had only spoken to her three times and wanted to know more about her. Beginning to become claustrophobic in his stuffy room he made his way outside to sit on the grounds.

Deciding to continue his potions essay, he brought out his supplies and began working under a tree by the lake. The fresh atmosphere being the cure to all of his worries for the moment.

Glancing up from his essay he noticed someone making their way towards him. It was her. She made her way over and sat across from him. 'What are you doing?' She asked.

He was taken aback for a moment, 'Just Slughorn's essay.' He replied, slightly confused by her nonchalant manor. She nodded before bringing out some parchment, he quill and ink and her potions textbook.

Deciding not to question her as to what she was doing, he went along with her. Both of them writing their essays, sometimes asking a question to the other.

The teenagers sat there, for the next couple of hours in peace. A rare time or normality in both of their lives. A time where they were just kids, studying together in hopes of passing their class. Suddenly the ongoing war and the uprising of Voldemort were the last things on their mind. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

save me | hp

word count -  1190

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