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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Primrose Beaufort had always been somewhat invisible when it came to being at Hogwarts. She wasn't invisible in the 'sorry didn't see you there' way. People noticed her, they most definitely saw her. It was a daily occurrence to receive dirty looks from her fellow Slytherins, or to have the rest of the school look at her as though she was some mute weirdo.

Prim wasn't shy or scared to talk to people, she just never felt the need to waste her breath on useless students who were most likely never going to speak to her again. She was actually quite a confident girl, she wasn't too fussed about what people thought of her or their opinions on how she looked.

Prim grew up with an interesting childhood, she was an only child with a father who ran off the moment she was born. She had been lucky enough to end up with a mother who was kind and loving, meaning she never felt neglected when it came to her home life.

Her mother was a muggle who fell in love with her father when they were in their 20s. He had been home for the holidays and had gone into muggle London to buy a coffee at a small cafe. That was where he met her mother, he had been so drawn in by her bubbly personality and breathtaking looks that he started to go by the cafe more often. Eventually they went on a date and from then on their relationship formed. Her mother had no problem with him being a wizard and was actually quite interested in learning more.

Her mother was devastated when her father left, however she moved on and remained strong for her little girl.

Prim being halfblood, meant that many of the purebloods in her house such as Malfoy and his friends looked down upon her. She never really cared much about what they thought, believing that blood prejudices were silly.

Prim had always admired her mother. She was an artist and was always in a creative mindset. It led to an exciting childhood for Primrose. She began to gain the same interest in art as her mother, receiving a sketch book and some pencils for her 8th birthday. From then on her love for drawing flourished.

Having to grow up as a witch with a muggle mother was somewhat difficult. Although her mum knew a decent amount about magic that she had learned from her ex husband, she was still somewhat clueless on what to do when Primrose blew up a vase whilst throwing a tantrum. So when professor Mcgonagall showed up at their door on May 20th 1991 they were not exactly shocked.

Prim had been excited to go to Hogwarts, she was awaiting the challenges that learning magic would bring but welcomed them with open arms. When Prim was sorted she was unaware as to why the rest of the school looked at her with disgust. Later learning about the house prejudice that was ongoing throughout the school for many years.

She had not gone into Hogwarts expecting to make no friends, just with being placed in Slytherin and being a halfblood it made finding her people much more difficult.

Primrose was now much more used to her life and would say that she was quite content with her situation. She had no problem with being an outcast, she actually liked the privacy that came with it. No one wanted to learn more about her so she didn't have to worry about her secrets coming out. She was free to do as she pleased with no real consequences.

Prim was no fool, she knew about the upcoming war and the relation many of her housemates had with Voldemort. She was proud to say that she had no interest in following in their footsteps. She stayed out of trouble, trying her best to not be placed within the common stereotype of her house all being deatheaters. She tried to stay under the radar, even more so than in the past.

Primrose chose to stay hidden, she chose to stay closed, to not let anyone come even remotely close to getting to know her. She had been succeeding for years, succeeding at pretending. She pretended to be some closed up shy girl who was too scared to speak. People bought it, they did not pry, they did not try to intrude on her life and that was how she liked it. She liked being invisible. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

save me | hp

word count - 781

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