Chapter 23 Love Is Strong

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Emily POV

"Get up slut."

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The real question is where are you going to be and with who cause I kind of want to keep you for myself."

I feel his hand trail around my body. I close my eyes to try to rid of this disgusting feeling. "A slag like you can sell for an say $50,000. Unfortunately it's time for us to go, but if you'll be behave then I promise I'll make you feel real good."

Leads me out of the van into a smaller car, a black Audi. I'm currently scared our of my mind. I'm going to sold like property to become someone's sex slave. I know the people who will buy are me are going to treat me the way Simon does or worse. The thought of it makes me shudder. It's terrible now I understand why Zayn wanted to leave so badly. This business is sickening.

Will POV

"Where are they?!? They should be back by now!"

"Mate I know you worried about sister , but Zayn will find her. He will go on a massacre if any harm was to ever to come to her. Also he knows how to handle Simon he's been with him some time now. To be quite honest he never really like Simon."

"Then why did ever get involved with him and how come he never left?" I fire back.

"He did which why we are trying to find you sister. Once you're in you can't leave. Not without paying a price at least. Zayn used to be good kid when growing. So I heard at least, but when his mum died he changed. He became quiet and depressed very antisocial. The kids used to bug him at school, however he'd always ignore them. Until one day some kid said something about his mum. Shit that Zayn almost killed the poor bloke. He bashed his head against the lockers. The lad was in the hospital for about a week.It heard it took about 4 guys to pull him off. Word got around about how the Malik kid snapped. The seniors were impressed by this therefore they offered him a spot to join their crew. One day they walk in the warehouse for an emergency meeting naturally Zayn was with them that's when he meet Simon for the first time. I felt bad for the poor guy he was so young at the time. He had his whole life ahead of him, but he didn't care what happened. He hated his life, and despised his father. I guess joining Simon was his way of rebelling. His father wanted the perfect son and Zayn did everything in his power to go against that. He used to bring slag home every night then wake up with no memory what happened because he was too drunk or too high to remember. Then everything changed when he meet your sister. She change the Bradford bad boy. I didn't think it was possible. I hate to sound sappy but Zayn really loves your sister and she loves him."

I honestly don't know what to say I never knew the love the shared was so strong, and I definitely didn't know about Zayn's house.

"Thank you..."

"Ed." He states.

Two guys come running in interrupting the us. They give Ed a curt nod. All of a sudden his composure changes. "Alright boy lock and load. We heading out!"

A/N So it's over. Zayn left I knew it was coming, but not so soon. I wanted them to end has brothers. I've been crying for an hour now. I can't believe it. I hope he is happier now. He dserves happniess he's put up with alot of shit. I wrote this chapter earlier today sorry it's shit. I sort of winged it.

March 25, 2015 The day the fandom died. It was nice whilst it last. I was going write a third fanfiction a maffia gang one, but it was going to be Harry. I don't know anymore. All the drama is killing me. Please comment or message me of you are interested in my new story thou. If people are interested. I'll do a little prologue

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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