Chapter 15 Half a Heart

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It was Christmas and I was miserable. I felt lonely. I missed Zayn. I couldn't imagine how he felt. He had no one. I tried to push the thought of him out of my head. Later that day a lot of relatives came over to spend the holidays with us. I missed spending time with my family.

"Hun. Someone is here to see you" I walk outside curious to see who was here, but I was also fearful too.

"Hello love." It was Zayn. He looked good. His eyes weren't red, his face wasn't pale. He seemed more fit than he was before. He wore his leather jacket with a black t shirt.

"I've been missing these past few week." He kept his distance.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't too." He cracks a half smile that's melted my heart. I missed him, and that smile of his. Breaking up with him was very difficult because no matter how much he hurt me I loved him. And that was something that was never going to change. We stood in silence for awhile.

"I've been clean for almost three weeks now."

"I'm proud of you. You look good by the way." 

"So do you, then again he always look beauitful. Espesically when your eyes gleam in the moonlight." I blushed by his compliment.

 "Hey if you want we can go back to my place and watch a movie."

"Zayn I missed you too, but..."

"Cat I love you so much. I never felt this way about anyone until I met you. For so long people thought I was a monster, and I began to lose sight of who I really was until you. You have helped me become a better person. I've been clean for three weeks that's because of you. And I love you for loving me for who I am. You were always there. And I can't do this without you. I am weak! My dad kicked me out. I can't go back to school. I'm alone. I tried to get you out of head, but I'm so lost without you. I need you Cat please. I'm half a heart without you. He sounded so vulnerable. He put his head down and he started to cry. I missed him too. I forgot how vunerbale he can be sometimes, and to be quite frank it turned me on a bit. 

"Bae. I had never stopped loving you. Loving you was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. And that's something l'll never regret. Come inside. We all deserve someone to spend the holidays with."

I led him inside the house. "Mum I hope that you don't mind, but I invited Zayn. He was alone and had no one to spend the holidays with." I look at him and smile.

"Of course Hun."

All my relatives kept asking who my friend was. And I told them that was my boyfriend.

Will POV

It felt good to see the whole family gather together.

I saw Cat talking with everyone. She didn't look that interested. So was pretty sad these past few week since her and Zayn broke up. It sucked to see her sad well at least she was safe. I go into the kitchen to grab some cake and see some of our relatives.  Then I see Zayn! No! Why?! I thought they broke up! Maybe she was returning something to him.

"This is my boyfriend." She says. I almost passed out. I had to do something. 

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