Chapter 14 Don't Do It

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Zayn POV

It's almost 11. I put on by black suit and get into the car. We pull into the boss mansion. Ed opens the car door for me. I go out. Four guards awaited us.

"Do you have weapons?" One of them asked. I pull out my gun. He patted me down to double check. "He's clear." I walk into a meeting room. And I see Simon waiting for me.

"Well Zayn it's nice to see you."

“Zayn we have an issue business is bad. My drugs aren't selling neither are my women."

"About that I don't know if I can continue this."

"You want a promotion?" He asks. "Consider it the then."

"Simon I'm finally happy, and I'm starting to clean up."

"Aw who is she?"

"It doesn't matter!"  I was getting angry with Simon's games. 

"So there is someone?" He teases.

"Simon. I want out."

He looks at me in silence."Really after all I've done for your. Zayn you are the best drug dealer I ‘ve got here. Used to be the best at women too... Until you know." I can feel my face turning red.

"Please Simon" I begged him.

"Ok. How about this you can leave, but if you do I'll kill your little girlfriend. And you know I never joke."

 I felt my heart break. I take a deep breath. "What do you want Simon?"

"Isn't it clear? I want you stay and sell my drugs when I ever ask you to."

"Yes sir."  I feel awful about breaking Cat's promise, but I have to protect her.

"Good. Stay around for a while. I'm having some women come over tonight."


Zayn has been picking me up in the morning and afternoons, but not all the time. He's been busy lately and today was one of those afternoons. I started to walk home, until I saw Harry.

"Are you waiting for ride?" He asked

I looked around to see if I saw Zayn. "I guess not."

"I can bring you home if you'd like."

 It was really cold outside an I didn't want to walk. So I agree on his offer. . I felt weird I haven't talked to Harry and forever, so the ride was a little silent. His phone goes off.

 "I'm sorry Cat I gotta make a quick stop. My mum wants me to pick a few things."

"It's ok. Do what you gotta do."

He pulls up into a gas station. The same one where they almost killed Zayn.

"I'll be back."

"Okay. I'm going to stay in the car"

He leaves and walks into the gas station. I start to have flashbacks of that night. Then I see something. It was a person. They looked familiar. I get out the car to get a closer look. It was Zayn. He was smoking weed with a few guys. He gives a guy some drugs exchange for some cash.

"Zayn?" My eyes are watery.

"Hey bae! I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up today. How was school?" He tries to kiss me, but I back away. "Come on I know you love it when I kiss you."

"Zayn you promised."

"Come on Cat" he tries to grab me.

"You promised!"

"Cat stop it" I walk away, but he grabs my forearm, and pins me against his car. "Why are you resisting?" He kisses my neck, he then he puts his hand between my thighs.

"Zayn! Stop! You're hurting me!" I cry.

"Zayn! Let her go!"

It was Harry. Zayn finally let's go of me. He sniffs then wipes the coke off his nose. I embrace Harry and cry into his shirt. He walks me to car. Then he says something to Zayn, but I don't pay much attention. Harry drops me off home. 

He spoke, "I'm sorry about what happened."

"It's ok. I'm fine." I say softly.

"No it's not! Wonder if I wasn't there and he was like that. He would have  reall hurt you." I don't say anything. I get out the car.

"Thanks for being there Harry. I just thought he was diffrerent." I say softly. Then I close the door.

Zayn POV

I wake up the next morning not remembering what happened.  I check my phone no text messages that means Simon didn't need me this morning. I get dress so I can pick up Cat. I wait in her driveway for about 15 minutes until she finally comes out. She looks at me, but she continues to walk away. 

"Cat what are you doing. Stop and get in the car." She punches me over and over until I grab her hands. "What's your issue?!"

"What’s my issue?! Were you really that high yesterday?" I try to remember, but I can't. "You really don't remember!? Well guess what Zayn you almost rapped me in front of all you friends! If Harry wasn't there..." My eyes widen when I hear Harry. "Zayn you also broke your promise. You told me you were going to stop!"

"I tried, but I can't Cat! Because..."

 "I don't wanna hear your excuses! I'm all cried out over you Zayn I'm done" She walks away. I walk back to my car. I see someone looking through the window. I ignore whoever it was then drive away. I feel bad about what happened yesterday, even though I can't remember what happened. Then evetything flashes back. Shit! What the fuck did I do?! I just lost Cat and at this mommet there is nothing that I can say, or do to probably change her mind. I guess my father was right when he said no more screw ups, and just like everything else I was out  chances. 

 It's been weeks since I talked to Cat. I miss her voice, and her gorgeous smile, but importnatly I miss her acompany. And the way her body felt on mines. I needed to get Cat off my mind so  decided to go to Simons and get drunk. I sat with the guys for a few hours they had women there, but I wasn't interested. I was sitting there miserable; I had put my vodka down and left the party. I stormed into my apartment filled with anger, and rage. I hated being alone, especially before the holidays. I was rush into my room and grab the drugs and flush them down the toilet. Cat has always been there to belive in me unlike everyone else in my life, and I am not going to lose forever. I am going to change my life, and I will get Cat back. 

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