Chapter 17 I Voulnteer As Tribute

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They brought me to the police station.

"Ok Cat, we just a few questions about Zayn. If you cooperate with us then you can leave tonight." I don't say anything.

"Have you talked to Zayn today?"

"No." I lied

"Cat! Tell them!" My mum begs.

I look at her. "I have not talked to Zayn, nor have I seen him." I say calmly.

"Why won't you help Cat? Did you know he kidnapped a girl and possibly raped her?" I cringe at her words. She throws a file at me, but I don't touch it.

"I know Zayn, and I know he didn't do that."

"Cat. I'm going to ask one more time where is Zayn?" She leans against the table.

"I don't know."

"Cat you under arrest."

"For what?" I protest.

"For tampering with a case."

She handcuffs me the hauls me away. I'm alone in a cell. I wish I could call Zayn. I miss him so much. I miss the way he smirks at me, and when he touches my skin how i get goosbumps. Where is he when I need him?

Zayn POV

"Ok so. Tomorrow night we are going to the mansion and att..." I stop talking and I see Ed come running in. His face expression worries me. "What is it?" I ask. "It's Cat" he says.

I pinned Ed against the wall "What the fuck happened?"

"Her parents found out about you and now she's under arrest because she won't give you up when they interrogated her."

I let him go. "Daniel."


"You are in charge. The attack will have to wait for now. I have some business to take care of." I rush out the warehouse and make my to the police station


"Let's go. It's time to go."

"I get to go home?"

"Yes now lets go."

The officer walks me out we pass all the other cells. Then I see him. Zayn. I stop walking.

"Zayn. Why are you here?!?? You are going to go to prison. I had everything under control."

"Yea you got yourself arrested because of me. I'm tired of people getting hurt because of me. Besides like I told you earlier I'd prefer it be me than you."

"Ok let's go. That's enough." The officer pushes me away from Zayn." I see my parents. I start crying. It's ok you're safe they say.

"Get away from me!" I cried. I pulled away from them.

"Stop it Cat. That boy is where he belongs." My dad shouts.

"That boy is my boyfriend and he is innocent." I run out the station.

"Cat!!!!" My parents all after me, but there's no use because I see Ed with the car.

"Do you know where Simon lives?"


"Can you take me there?"

"Cat I don't think Zayn would approve this."

"Well Zayn is not here, so take me to Simon's now!" I demanded. If Simon got Zayn out before then he can do it again. Hopefully it was the only way.

Will POV

I arrive home and I see two police cars in our driveway. "Oh no, Cat!" I run inside the house I see my mum crying on the couch with my father hand on her should trying to comfort her.

"What happened? Where is Cat?" My mom just looks at me she can't speak.

"Will, Cat is gone. I don't know where she went. We had gotten into augment about Zayn, and then she stormed off into the parking lot where she disappeared."

Why was she upset? Zayn is no good for her that is why I called police on him, and told them that Cat knew where he was. I wanted him out of my sister life for good, but Cat will not let go of criminal boyfriend. Then I slowly realized that Cat disappearance was my fault. I should have just let her be with Zayn. He was making her happy. Now I have to fix it, and find Cat. I grab my car keys. "Guys I'm going to go and look for Cat, and call all some her friends to see if they had spoken to her recently." I walk outside to my car to find Cat.


40 minutes later we at Simon's mansion. Ed opened the door for me. I hesitate. "Can you come with me?" He nods. He follows behind me. "Hello I'm here to see Simon."

"Wait here." The man comes back.

"Follow me."

"I'll be here waiting for you don't worry" Ed says. I compose myself.

"And who do we have here?"

"Cat. I'm Zayn's girlfriend."

"So you are the one makes Zayn happy and me poor. How can I help you?"

"Zayn is in trouble he got arrested and he's gonna go to prison. You have to help him please."

"What do you propose I do?" He asks.

"Zayn told me you that helped him last time. And maybe you can help him again?" I begged.

"I can actually, but I won't. I treated Zayn as if he was my son. I even put him in my will, but I'm losing money because of him. He made his choice. Now he has to deal with the consequences."

"I think I can help?"

"And how so?"

"I'll be yours."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. I just want Zayn to be happy."

Simon nods. Then snaps his fingers. "Someone take her up stairs. And you call the chief at the station."

Two men escort me away. I see Ed.

"Hey bastards let go of her."

It's fine Ed. I'm staying. Go back to the warehouse." Ed looks at me helplessly. The two men continue to escort me to a bedroom. The room was pretty bare there was just a bed. "We'll be leaving in the morning" says one of the escorts. Then the door clicks. I collapse on the floor, and start to cry because I am never going to see Zayn again.

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